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QA Growth-related OOUI updates (mobile + desktop)
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  • The web team will soon be releasing dark mode more widely. To prepare for this, DST have worked on switching OOUI to work in dark mode. As a part of this, we want to identify which, if any, parts of Growth-owned pages and extensions need further work after the OOUI changes are in place

User story

  • As a new editor who uses dark mode, I want the ability to use dark mode on the newcomer homepage and within Echo, so that I do not have an inconsistent experience


  • Perform exploratory testing of OOUI dark mode fixes on:
    • The newcomer homepage
    • Suggested Edits & Structured Tasks
    • Mentor Dashboard
    • Help panel
    • Echo
    • Anywhere else the Growth team uses OOUI
  • Document any issues in a table

Test Results

This task was created by Version 1.0.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous

Event Timeline

ovasileva moved this task from Incoming to Tracking on the Web-Team-Backlog board.

I moved this to blocked to communicate that we should wait until the OOUI change was merged before testing.

This is done now: Codex 1.7.0, OOUI 0.50.0 has also been released and is now available on beta.
This release updates OOUI color variables to respect CSS custom properties in the same way that Codex does. This means that most parts of OOUI should seamlessly switch into dark mode along with the surrounding page (assuming you are on Vector or Minerva).
Details: T364777: [EPIC] Enable dark mode in OOUI.

However, I think we should also wait until this task is resolved T365764: [OOUI] Icons: Add support for use in dark mode before testing.