- The web team will soon be releasing dark mode more widely. To prepare for this, DST have worked on switching OOUI to work in dark mode. As a part of this, we want to identify which, if any, parts of Growth-owned pages and extensions need further work after the OOUI changes are in place
User story
- As a new editor who uses dark mode, I want the ability to use dark mode on the newcomer homepage and within Echo, so that I do not have an inconsistent experience
- Perform exploratory testing of OOUI dark mode fixes on:
- The newcomer homepage
- Suggested Edits & Structured Tasks
- Mentor Dashboard
- ✅ Help panel - no issues
- ✅ CommunityConfiguration pages - no issues
- Echo
- Anywhere else the Growth team uses OOUI
- Document any issues in a table
Test Results
- For QA engineer to fill out
Not specifically Growth features related: saving an edit presents the Summary dialog with some non-readable elements:
due to the large number of UI issues are listed in T367372: [QA task] Homepage - dark mode UI evaluation
Suggested Edits & Structured Tasks
guided tours - many elements are non-readable | |
intro tours - many elements are non-readable | |
add link - the highlighted word is not visible | |
low contrast (an accessibility issue) in several places where oo-ui-image-invert is present | <a class="oo-ui-buttonElement-button" role="button"><span class="oo-ui-iconElement-icon oo-ui-iconElement-noIcon oo-ui-image-invert"></span><span class="oo-ui-labelElement-label">50</span><span class="oo-ui-indicatorElement-indicator oo-ui-indicatorElement-noIndicator oo-ui-image-invert"></span></a> |
no invert color for a check mark | light mode - the check mark for white circle (indicating that the highlight color is not used for the filters) is visible: | dark mode - no inverted colors for the check mark
Mentor Dashboard
the icons in a table header do not have inverted colors | |
the text under Claim mentee is not visible | |
Echo - Special:Notifications
The issues are present only on Special:Notifications
not visible elements | |
hovering over rows makes them unreadable | |
low contrast for oo-ui-image-invert | |
This task was created by Version 1.0.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous