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Echo doesn't link to the correct section if there are duplicate section headings
Open, MediumPublic


I just navigated to ptwiki for the first time in a while (maybe the first time ever), and I found I had a notification. The bolded link led to this URL:

I'm not mentioned there. I am, however, mentioned in a section further down the page with an identical section heading:

I assume that at the moment Echo is not checking for duplicate headings when making notification URLs. If Echo could check for this somehow it may stop users from getting confused by notification links that point to the wrong section.

See Also:
T2111: Return to the correct section after section edit for a heading that exists multiple times
T4831: Links in autogenerated summary in page histories may point to wrong section or to nowhere



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 3:00 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz60396.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

jokes_free4me wrote:

(In reply to Mr. Stradivarius from comment #0)

If Echo could check for this somehow it may stop users from getting
confused by notification links that point to the wrong section.

This is not as easy as it sounds. Consider pages like "Village pump" and similar, where sections get regularly archived. What hash-name is used when Echo creates the link may not be valid when you access it... Perhaps a supplemental permalink (using "&oldid=###") could be accessible in a "corner" of the notification somewhere?

[Insert advertisement for [[WP:Flow]], and its commitment to functional permalinks, here! The URLs may be ugly (though that is being worked on from a few directions...) but they sure will solve a lot of problems. ;) ]

Aklapper set Security to None.

Re-checked along with verifying T134216: [betalabs] Notification about Mention on wikitext pages does not link to the section where Mention occurred if links, templates etc are present in section titles - the issue reported in this ticket is not resolved.

The straightforward scenario -

  1. create two identical topic titles
  2. mention the same user in both topics
  3. the mentioned user receives two notifications - and both will be pointing to the most upper topic.