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What's the use of Special:UserProfile
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What's the use of this useless page?

It ain't my profile, not even remotely (that's my user page). It's ugly as f***, I fail to see any purpose for this "merkbefreite" (observationally challenged) page.

Is there a way to opt out of this travesty?

Why was it ever created?

Event Timeline

Saenger raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Saenger updated the task description. (Show Details)
Saenger subscribed.

For more information read Lilas Talk page or the German Kurier.

(BTW: No proper wikisyntax here? Why this here in the wikiverse?)

Maryana claimed this task.
Maryana subscribed.

Please engage constructively on Phabricator or don't engage at all. Asking for an opt out for a feature = constructive. Calling that feature "ugly as fuck" = not constructive.

If you'd like to re-raise the issue minus the non-constructive language, please feel free and we'll prioritize it accordingly. Thanks.

But that's exactly what it looks like, and it serves absolutely no purpose. It has nothing whatsoever to do with a profile. I wonder what stupid idiot came up with this rubbish.

Sanitized version of this is T90753.

Please see mw:Bug management/Phabricator etiquette. I'm happy to respond to good-faith and engaged community members and ideas.

Regarding Phabricator and wikisyntax, please see our Phabricator Help. Thank you.

One of the major problems of this feature is that pictures are taken out of context and associated with this "profile". Imagine a moslem editing who is possibly not happy to see his name and profile associated with a depiction of Muhammad. Likewise you might imagine that someone edits an article with lead images that depict genitals. You see examples for this on Lila's talk page at Meta.

Even the out of context presentation of the latest upload is troubling. If a vandal-fighter reverts the upload of an image over an existing file name, this is presented as the vandal fighter's latest upload even if he or she is not the original uploader. This is entirely misleading. Please keep in mind that some users work with their real names in these projects.

This shouldn't be a question of an opt-out but of disabling it entirely.

And the addition of the latest "thanks you" enables a new kind of vandalism. Check the log of new users and you will notice that offending user names are not uncommon. In combination this opens the possibility to thank a victim using an offending user name such that the user name appears in the victim's profile.

Please engage constructively on Phabricator or don't engage at all. Asking for an opt out for a feature = constructive. Calling that feature "ugly as fuck" = not constructive.

Okay, but if Phabricator users agree to be more constructive, could the Wikimedia Foundation mobile team agree to be more constructive as well? The mobile team should stop bypassing consensus by shoving features such as Special:UserProfile into a completely unrelated extension. This behavior is far more inappropriate and harmful than any "fuck" written here.

@MZMcBride: Sure, but language used to describe a potentially valid problem and actual workflows/technical aspects seem orthogonal...

Why was this invented?
Who asked for it?
Where was it discussed?
Why is it named UserProfile?
What's the official purpose of this?

The main problem, besides NSFW images, is that the user does not have control over the content of Special:UserProfile. And every link to the normal user page in MobileFrontend is replaced with Special:UserProfile.

*My* user page is and not

Maybe the userprofile was born because a lot of normal user pages look really weird on mobile? My one too:

I suggest to create a possibilty where users can style their user page mobile friendly.

for the others as info: as far as I have followed this we have now (open)

if you have other constructive improvement requests/bug reports, please open a new task.

From the comments and examples linked, this is evidently a very poorly thought out "feature", adding little, and leaving open many avenues of abuse.

I trust it will be removed, now that this is apparent, but I'll add this, for the inquest, as something pointed out to me elsewhere:

When it is not an SUL account, the above UserProfile-tool treats it as if it is a contributions on en.wp and the uploads to commons by different users look as if they are made by the same person...


The entire page is unhelpful at best, and the dick-pics demonstrate just how bad it is at worst. The dick-pics aren't the problem, the entire page is the problem. We have user pages where people can create their own profiles, and we have purely functional pages like Contributions to look up information on a user. Trying to impose software-generated "profile" pages is a big mistake. I'm guessing this was an attempt to enhance the "social networking", Facebook style. But editors don't use Wiki like they use Facebook, this sort of stuff is way off base.