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Paste P569

(An Untitled Masterwork)

Authored by Mattflaschen-WMF on Apr 28 2015, 11:14 PM.
mattflaschen@deployment-bastion:~$ mwscript extensions/Flow/maintenance/convertLqtPageOnLocalWiki.php --wiki=testwiki --debug --srcpage 'Wikipedia_talk:LQT_Test_2015-04-28' --logfile "/tmp/test_log.txt"
[2015-04-28 23:11:50] Starting LQT conversion of page Wikipedia_talk:LQT_Test_2015-04-28
[2015-04-28 23:11:50] Archiving page from Wikipedia talk:LQT Test 2015-04-28 to Wikipedia talk:LQT Test 2015-04-28/LQT Archive 1
[2015-04-28 23:12:01] Importing to Wikipedia talk:LQT Test 2015-04-28
[2015-04-28 23:12:01] Importing header
[2015-04-28 23:13:30] Imported 2 revisions for header
[2015-04-28 23:13:30] Importing new topic
[2015-04-28 23:13:31] Finished importing topic title with 1 revisions
[2015-04-28 23:13:31] Importing post
[2015-04-28 23:13:36] Finished importing post with 1 revisions
Fatal error: Call to a member function getGroup() on a non-object in /mnt/srv/mediawiki-staging/php-master/extensions/Wikidata/extensions/Wikibase/client/includes/OtherProjectsSitesGenerator.php on line 52

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