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MW-1.28.0-wmf.20 deployment blockers
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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greg updated the task description. (Show Details)

I just cut the 1.28.0-wmf.20 branch.

The tentative plan is simply to skip the roll out of 1.28.0-wmf.19 and sync wmf.20 to group0 wikis tomorrow and run some form (TBD) or shortened schedule, unless there are strong objections from the Performance-Team I know that @Gilles is looking into this regression (per T146099).

I know @aude mentioned wanting to do some branching for wikidata as well for wmf.20—please let me know if that's the case before 19:00 tomorrow.

Scrap that, I have just seen wikitech-l!

Group0 wikis (mediawikiwiki, test2wiki, testwiki, testwikidatawiki, and
zerowiki) are running version 1.28.0-wmf.20 of MediaWiki and extensions.
All other wikis are running 1.28.0-wmf.18.

Tomorrow there will be a shortened train schedule in the normal train
deployment window during which 1.28.0-wmf.20 will be pushed to all

Tomorrow being today (Thursday)

hashar subscribed.

For the after effect, ORES jobs failed following deployment T146461

Which is entirely related to us having no monitoring/alarming about jobs, that is the same cause which last week prevented us from notifying that CentralAuth jobs have been failing for hours.