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reinstall iridium (phabricator) as phab1001 with jessie
Closed, ResolvedPublic


iridium, the current production Phabricator server, is on trusty

we want to rename it from iridium to phab1001 and install jessie.

there is already phab2001 in codfw and it has jessie and the puppet role now works on jessie,
since today we closed T139475

this means we also have real labs testing now, with a jessie instance using the regular main prod puppet role, not a "labs" role or manual setup.

one way to achieve this could be to make phab2001 the actual production server first (T137928), this should also be unblocked now since T143363 has been resolved). so to first resolve that and switch over to codfw and while traffic is there reinstall iridium

or another way would be to schedule a maintenance window and take phab down and upgrade it to jessie before phab2001 is done, without switching anything to codfw yet

the longer term goal is of course to have both up on jessie as phab1001/phab2001, first one as a simple warm standby and longer term get into real phab clustering support

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Event Timeline

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 1 2016, 8:01 PM

I think this could be done anytime. We'll just need an agreement with releng, decision which way to go and a larger maintenance window.

I Spoke with @Dzahn who said we can do this any time but is now blocked on @mmodell scheduling the maint window for this.

We can migrate to phab2001 first then upgrade iridium to debian and rename it to phab1001. Reason we should do it like this is if we did the upgrade and rename in one maint window, it would mean a long downtime for phabricator. And as phabricator is so crucial for everyone we should try and lower downtime as much as we can.

The latest change of plans is to set up phab1001.eqiad.wmnet before phab2001.codfw.wmnet as we can probably switch directly from iridium without being blocked waiting on Traffic changes in codfw.

mmodell raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Aug 1 2017, 8:12 AM