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Local exception for notifications does not work
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Congragulations, it's awesome!

The first bug:

Steps to reproduce
  1. Open global preferences.
  2. Make "Notify me about these events" at notifications tab global.
  3. Open local preferences.
  4. Set a local exception for them.
  5. The boxes remain unclickable.

Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at 3.06.00 PM.png (464×368 px, 58 KB)

Thank you.

Expected behavior
  • The boxes for local preferences should be clickable when the local override is selected.

Event Timeline

Could it be related to T195253 ?

I strongly doubt it.

In my case I selected "Set a local exception for this global preference" and the box became clickable; then I made one change ad I saved. But when I reloaded the page "Set a local exception for this global preference" was still selected, but the change I made had disappeared. I tried many times, but every time I made the change and then it disappeared.

Change 440564 had a related patch set uploaded (by MaxSem; owner: MaxSem):
[mediawiki/extensions/GlobalPreferences@master] Support local overrides for CheckMatrix

Change 440564 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GlobalPreferences@master] Support local overrides for CheckMatrix

Vvjjkkii renamed this task from Local exception for notifications does not work to nicaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:08 AM
Vvjjkkii removed MaxSem as the assignee of this task.
Vvjjkkii triaged this task as High priority.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii removed the point value for this task.
Marostegui renamed this task from nicaaaaaaa to Local exception for notifications does not work.Jul 1 2018, 6:50 PM
Marostegui assigned this task to MaxSem.
Marostegui lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
Marostegui updated the task description. (Show Details)
CommunityTechBot raised the priority of this task from Medium to Needs Triage.Jul 5 2018, 6:45 PM
CommunityTechBot updated the task description. (Show Details)

Well, it works on

Well, it works on

Yes, the code has been deployed to Group 0 wikis earlier today.

Well, it works on

Yes, the code has been deployed to Group 0 wikis earlier today.

Yap, I know. I just wanted to see it :-)

Niharika moved this task from QA to Q1 2018-19 on the Community-Tech-Sprint board.