When generating RDF for MediaInfo entity, I get this:
@prefix wd: <https://federated-commons.wmflabs.org/entity/> . @prefix wdt: <https://federated-commons.wmflabs.org/prop/direct/> . @prefix p: <https://federated-commons.wmflabs.org/prop/> . wd:M10694 a wikibase:Mediainfo, schema:MediaObject ; schema:caption "Tacoma"@en ; rdfs:label "Tacoma"@en ; wdt:P64 wd:Q224 ; p:P64 wds:M10694-0934c1f0-42ee-760c-ebfe-06c0a698b3d6 . wds:M10694-0934c1f0-42ee-760c-ebfe-06c0a698b3d6 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank ; ps:P64 wd:Q224 ; pq:P80 wd:Q260 .
However, Q3349 is federated Wikidata entity, it should not have wd: prefix but wd-wikidata: one instead. Same for P64 which is also federated.
So we have the following problems here:
- Q-items and M-items have the same prefix
- properties and Q-items use commons prefix, while they need to use Wikidata prefix
- we want commons prefix to be sdc, not wd (this is the least important part, we can start with any prefix, but not before the above is fixed, since it uses wrong URLs)