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Help panel: proof-of-concept WikiChat
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Placeholder task for creating a proof-of-concept chat system built into the help-panel and on a wiki page, which incorporates moderation and curation tools known to Wikipedians.

Rough notes on this idea are here:

Event Timeline

Change 511333 had a related patch set uploaded (by Kosta Harlan; owner: Kosta Harlan):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] proof-of-concept/super hacky: on-wiki chat

MMiller_WMF added a project: Growth-Team.
MMiller_WMF added subscribers: Catrope, SBisson, Etonkovidova and 5 others.

@kostajh demoed this at the Hackathon showcase. The next step is for him to demo it to our team and we can discuss whether we're on to a viable way to actually try out live chat in a willing wiki.

MMiller_WMF renamed this task from Proof-of-concept WikiChat to Help panel: proof-of-concept WikiChat.May 29 2019, 9:23 PM
MMiller_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

The Growth team talked about this today and we decided that:

  • The current approach is a potentially fast route to experimenting with chat in a wiki that is enthusiastic about it (likely Czech Wikipedia).
  • The approach has many open questions that we've listed here.
  • Getting it to a point where we could even roughly experiment with it on wiki might take up to two months of work.
  • Before taking on that work, we want to discover how much demand there is from new users for live chat, which we were already planning on doing via changing the buttons on the help panel (see T224630).
  • If after doing that, we want to try out live chat, we will likely need to do some kind of intensive sprint to hammer out a minimum viable version and cover some of the most important moderation issues (blocks, abuse filters, etc.)

cover some of the most important moderation issues (blocks, abuse filters, etc.)

Just noting, if we use the approach of chat messages being revisions to a page then we don't have to do anything special for blocks / abuse filters etc. But we would want to figure out how to surface that information the UI.

Change 511333 abandoned by Kosta Harlan:
proof-of-concept/super hacky: on-wiki chat

Might come back to this someday, but nothing actionable for now

This was fun to hack on but didn't make it past that stage. Closing.