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L10n cache is completely broken
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Manual localisation cache rebuild is failing with:

Query: INSERT  INTO `bw_l10n_cache` ......
Error: 1062 Duplicate entry 'mr-messages:apihelp-query+allusers-example-y' for key 'PRIMARY' (

Language codes seen: mr and tl. It shouldn't even be using the database!

While trying to access the wiki from web I see:

Warning: dba_open(/l10n_cache-en.cdb.tmp.459236192): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /www/ on line 39
[20897a16ed55e7907b3edc15] /w/i.php?title=Special:ContentTranslation&page=Moshing&from=en&to=es&targettitle=Moshing&debug=true MWException from line 98 of /www/ Unable to open CDB file for write "/l10n_cache-en.cdb"


#0 /www/ LCStoreCDB->startWrite(string)
#1 /www/ LocalisationCache->recache(string)
#2 /www/ LocalisationCache->initLanguage(string)
#3 /www/ LocalisationCache->loadItem(string, string)
#4 /www/ LocalisationCache->loadSubitem(string, string, string)
#5 /www/ LocalisationCache->getSubitem(string, string, string)
#6 /www/ LocalisationCache->getSubitemList(string, string)
#7 /www/ Language::getMessageKeysFor(string)
#8 /www/ MessageCache->load(string)
#9 /www/ MessageCache->getMsgFromNamespace(string, string)
#10 /www/ MessageCache->getMessageForLang(LanguageEn, string, boolean, array)
#11 /www/ MessageCache->getMessageFromFallbackChain(LanguageEn, string, boolean)
#12 /www/ MessageCache->get(string, boolean, LanguageEn)
#13 /www/ Message->fetchMessage()
#14 /www/ Message->isDisabled()
#15 /www/ CirrusSearch\Hooks::CirrusSearch\{closure}(integer)
#16 /www/ BagOStuff->getWithSetCallback(string, integer, Closure)
#17 /www/ CirrusSearch\Hooks::overrideMoreLikeThisOptionsFromMessage()
#18 /www/ CirrusSearch\Hooks::initializeForRequest(WebRequest)
#19 /www/ CirrusSearch\Hooks::onBeforeInitialize(Title, NULL, OutputPage, User, WebRequest, MediaWiki)
#20 /www/ Hooks::callHook(string, array, array, NULL)
#21 /www/ Hooks::run(string, array)
#22 /www/ MediaWiki->performRequest()
#23 /www/ MediaWiki->main()
#24 /www/ MediaWiki->run()
#25 {main}

It's trying to read CDB files from root!

My config:

$wgLocalisationCacheConf['store'] = 'files';
$wgLocalisationCacheConf['manualRecache'] = false;

Event Timeline

Nikerabbit triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Aug 26 2019, 8:30 AM
Nikerabbit added subscribers: Simetrical, daniel.

Git bisect points to rMWe4468a1d6b6b: Make LocalisationCache a service. Setting UBN! for attention. I feel this doesn't affect everyone, though, or it would have been noticed already.

Does not revert cleanly. Only workaround seems to be to roll back to commit before it.

You need to revert LanguageNameUtils too, then it works fine (other than RELEASE-NOTES conflicts, obviously): 2e52f48c2ed

Obviously someone should revert immediately. Then I want to figure out what's going on with the failures -- this patch was from before I tried to get 100% test coverage before refactoring anything.

I think I see the problem:

+        $storeArg['directory'] =
+            $conf['storeDirectory'] ?? $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'CacheDirectory' );


-        $directory = !empty( $conf['storeDirectory'] ) ? $conf['storeDirectory'] : $wgCacheDirectory;

That needs to be ?:, not ??. I'll post a fix in a second.

Change 532343 had a related patch set uploaded (by simetrical; owner: simetrical):
[mediawiki/core@master] Correctly register storeDirectory in l10n cache

The breakage of rebuildLocalisationCache.php is an entirely separate problem. Separate patch coming for that. See, this is why tests before refactoring is a good idea!

So those two patches should fix the two issues that you ran into. I leave it up to the people with +2 access to decide whether it's wise to just commit these two fixes or to revert LocalisationCache and LanguageNameUtils for now.

Change 532346 had a related patch set uploaded (by simetrical; owner: simetrical):
[mediawiki/core@master] Pass correct store to rebuildLocalisationCache.php

Change 532343 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Correctly register storeDirectory in l10n cache

Change 532346 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Pass correct store to rebuildLocalisationCache.php

This should be fixed now, can you test?

(Not related or affecting at the moment).

No directly observable errors seen now.

Then I think it's resolved, although the patch is being backed out anyway for now because of T231198/T231200.

Friendly reminder, this is blocking the train. Will it be resolved by train window tomorrow?

Simetrical claimed this task.