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Newcomer tasks: include topic in copy for "no results" cards
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the following two tasks, we implemented cards that show for when the user does not have any suggestions:

The original implementation tells users to "Select other difficulty levels to find suggested edits." These should both be changed to read "Select other interests or difficulty levels to find suggested edits."

Event Timeline

Change 562664 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; owner: Gergő Tisza):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Newcomer tasks: pass topic matching enabled flag to "no results" cards

Change 562664 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Newcomer tasks: pass topic matching enabled flag to "no results" cards

Looks like this needs some style tweaks

image.png (560×754 px, 54 KB)

It looks fine to me... some kind of browser difference maybe?

noresults-copy.png (1×1 px, 146 KB)

I see the same as in @Gergo comment above.

Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 1.08.53 PM.png (603×432 px, 63 KB)
Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 1.36.49 PM.png (490×442 px, 46 KB)

However, two points to notice

It looks fine to me... some kind of browser difference maybe?

Of course looking good in English does not mean that's not a problem, duh.

The thing is, the text area has a fixed height, because the whole card has a fixed height, because we want the various card types to have the same dimensions. (For the no results card that's probably not that important. The no more suggestions card takes the place of a task card during navigation though, so size changes would be jarring.) Not sure how to square that with supporting arbitrarily long interface messages in the bottom.

Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 1.08.53 PM.png (603×432 px, 63 KB)

How did that happen? It shouldn't be possible to see the no results card and a task type description in the same time.

Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 1.08.53 PM.png (603×432 px, 63 KB)

How did that happen? It shouldn't be possible to see the no results card and a task type description in the same time.

I cannot reproduce it.

  • a question to @RHo - when there is no results found, the footer still says - "Other users have noted these articles need work...". Since the footer refers to the article(s) displayed - should we provide a different footer for the case when there are no results have been found?

That's a good point but I think this is OK to keep the same since the default case is this module will show some articles suggestions, and it should be clear the text "Other users..." refers to the entire set suggested edits.

The thing is, the text area has a fixed height, because the whole card has a fixed height, because we want the various card types to have the same dimensions. (For the no results card that's probably not that important. The no more suggestions card takes the place of a task card during navigation though, so size changes would be jarring.) Not sure how to square that with supporting arbitrarily long interface messages in the bottom.

I see @MMiller_WMF has created a separate task T242470 for this issue, so happy to move this copy-specific task to PM review.