For the past few years Web has been especially focused on the mobile site and has developed tooling to help monitor its health. A useful team chore has been to track the state of performance across a number of different metrics. Similar to the dashboards in T249826 or the CI tests in T244276, this task is about improving the monitoring parity of desktop (Vector) as needed.
- Do we need to add / remove schemas for Vue.js? Are Analytics best positioned to help us ensure our dashboard is relevant?
- What performance metrics are missing? Parity with mobile would be great but consulting with the Performance-Team team would be ideal.
- What performance and engagement metrics do we need to feel confident with deployments and over the long term?
Acceptance criteria
- The schema and performance dashboards are revised.
- Chore duties are updated as needed.
- Performance-Team and Analytics are consulted to ensure Web is being a responsible partner.
- T249430's acceptance criteria are updated to report on key performance and engagement metrics.