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Select language for "depicts" searches
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I am wondering why inserting structured data on ISA tool campaigns is not working in Spanish. Actually, in Wikimedia Commons this is possible. I think that it is a big loss for the this tool that is by other means super useful and convenient in small devices.

------> depicts need to be proposed in more languages than English and French

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It is actually working in French (you need to toggle the language on the top right). But I agree adding depicts only works in English and French. No other languages unfortunately

Anthere renamed this task from ISA tool - structured data in Spanish and French to ISA tool - structured data in Spanish (in all languages actually).Oct 30 2021, 12:22 PM
Anthere updated the task description. (Show Details)
Sebastian_Berlin-WMSE renamed this task from ISA tool - structured data in Spanish (in all languages actually) to Select language for "depicts" searches.Apr 1 2022, 7:04 AM

As mentioned this works for whatever language is selected in the menu. The choices are currently limited to whatever languages have i18n for the UI.

Possible solutions:

  1. Add a language menu under "Depicts". Probably with whatever UI language is selected as default. This means that if there is no i18n for the user's preferred language, they would need to select it each time.
  2. Allow the user to select depicts language under "Language preferences". This should be fairly straight forward, though it requires another column in the user database table.
    1. Alternatively we could use the first caption language to avoid that and save some space in the UI. I think the user would likely want the same language for caption and depicts.
  3. Search in all selected (caption) languages. This may not work very well since it requires multiple (up to six currently) API requests for each depicts query. It could also make the dropdown unwieldy.

Any opinions?

If I understand you well, 1) would require to select the language each time they move to a different image. If so... super cumbersome.

I think 3 would probably have a time impact on the user. Not great.

Then it goes to 2. I actually think it would probably be easier to have the first language chosen (the top) being used for depicts. Of course it would require to change the title of that page and to add a note to explain that language 1 is the one selected for depicts. But I see the interface makes it very easy to change the languages independently. So easy to change language #1. I think that could be the best option.

OK, I also thought that 2.A. probably would be best.

If I understand you well, 1) would require to select the language each time they move to a different image. If so... super cumbersome.

It would likely stay the same between images, but each time you go to the participate page you'd need to select. At least if the languages you want isn't in the language menu for the UI.

Hmmm. Seems it could be useful for some people. But generally not so.

I have been further thinking.
It seemed quite logic to me that IF I see the interface in English, then I should add the depicts in English.
IF I see the interface in French, then I should add the depicts in French. This is how my brain would work and how it would probably make the most sense to many people

It would actually be weird to me to toggle between interface language and stick to one language for depicts.

I wonder if it would not be ok to add the possibility to the language preferences, with a unique choice check box. With choices available being :

  • always enter the depicts in the language of the UI (that box being checked by default at first log-in ---> English)
  • or any of the languages chosen for the depicts

This way... by default, if I do not change the language ---> depicts in English
If I toggle to a different UI language (eg, French) ---> depicts in French
If I go to the languages preferences, then I can add Swedish to my caption languages and check the box « I want Swedish to enter my depicts »

What do you think ?

I think that makes sense. I did some changes to the UI to make a mockup of what it could look like (below).

I opted for a default value in the language menu rather than checkbox. I think this makes it a bit easier to use. With a checkbox you can for instance change the language, but forget to uncheck it. The language menu otherwise woks like the ones for captions.

image.png (775×1 px, 79 KB)

Change 779443 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sebastian Berlin (WMSE); author: Sebastian Berlin (WMSE)):

[labs/tools/Isa@master] User setting for selecting depicts language

Change 779443 merged by jenkins-bot:

[labs/tools/Isa@master] User setting for selecting depicts language

Sebastian_Berlin-WMSE moved this task from Review to Merged on the ISA board.
Sebastian_Berlin-WMSE moved this task from Merged to Complete (deployed) on the ISA board.