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[GOAL] Remove the mobile version of Special:Contributions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Specific: What do we want to achieve?

The mobile site, when AMC is disabled, replaces the Special:Contributions special page with its own implementation. Code-wise this page shares very little with the core page. It is not maintained, has numerous bugs, and when modifications need to be made to the mobile experience it grows in complexity.

In a future project it is planned to add tabs to the mobile experience of the contributions page. To prepare for this, we'd like to build from better foundations, and have one special page in core which contains the code for this experience.

We want to do this in such a way that users notice no difference. We will need to make changes to core, potentially adding hooks and style the non-AMC page to look identical to how it is now.

Measurable: How will we know when we've reached our goal?

Screen Shot 2021-10-13 at 8.44.22 AM.png (1×1 px, 174 KB)

Achievable: What support will we need to achieve our goal?

No support outside the team should be needed. Special pages do not have maintainers.

  • Relevant: Is this goal worthwhile? **

Will reduce the code the team maintains.

Time-bound: What is the time frame? Can we achieve this goal in the timeframe I've set?

One month. Change is limited to core changes, Minerva styling and MobileFrontend code removal.

Developer notes

this is what we'll trying to do get to:

Related Objects

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Jan 10 2022, 11:27 PM

Change 755510 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Jdlrobson):

[mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend@master] [Proof of concept] Drop the Mobile special pages

Test wiki created on Patch demo by Jdlrobson using patch(es) linked to this task:

Test wiki on Patch demo by Jdlrobson using patch(es) linked to this task was deleted:

Change 755510 abandoned by Jdlrobson:

[mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend@master] [Proof of concept] Drop the Mobile special pages


Not actively working on this. Some of this work will be realized in

Change 760571 had a related patch set uploaded (by Kosta Harlan; author: Kosta Harlan):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] HomepageHooks: Remove onSpecialPageAfterExecute

Change 760571 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] HomepageHooks: Remove onSpecialPageAfterExecute

Coming from [ here] where I make the initial complaint, I don’t think I have ever been so upset in my life, this changes may seem inconsequential to the supermajority of editors who use desktops but for mobile editors it may a deciding factor for quitting the collaborative altogether, A script has been given for us to override this, but it isn’t sufficient as can be seen in that thread, we basically want our old simple interface back, I’m appreciative of editors who work in this field, it isn’t easy, I know, but I expect in that same manner, I believe editors using mobile devices should be appreciated and accorded the same respect. Before this changes just who was consulted? I’m not seeing a consensus anywhere for this sort of drastic implementation which I totally abhor. If any more of this changes are made without consulting mobile users, I’m afraid most editors (veterans included) would just leave the project altogether. In summary, I am quite irate and whilst the script might suffice for now, I’d be asking our simple method for observing contributions be restored.

Hi @Celestina007 - thank you for taking the time to note your concerns here! Previously, we were using two different versions of the contributions page on mobile, which made it difficult to maintain in the long run as well as to build new features on top of (since it would require us to built them twice). Thus, we decided to move towards a single version of the page. From most of our previous research, we had noticed that most editors leaned towards pages with full parity to desktop, which is why we had thought it safer to remove the more simplified version of the page, rather than the other way around. That said, the plan is to eventually improve the page so that it’s more intuitive to use for everyone while still retaining a lot of the functionality. Would it be possible to ask what parts of the previous version of the page were most important to you/what you are struggling with within the advanced version?

@Celestina007 to provide a visual aid for the discussion here are the two versions of the contributions page. As @ovasileva mentioned please help us understand how we might improve/simplify the newer version to make it more usable for you.

simple/old versionnewer version
Screen Shot 2022-01-05 at 12.44.07 PM.png (690×407 px, 57 KB)
Screen Shot 2022-01-05 at 12.44.48 PM.png (694×404 px, 78 KB)

I was given a script which pretty much mirrors the simplistic view so no worries. The script basically allows me view my contributions in the manner i am familiar with so for I’m satisfied.
— Celestina007

I was given a script that allows me view my contributions in the manner i am accustomed to. So for now, no worries.
— Celestina007

@Celestina007 ok, I'm glad to hear that. It would still be helpful for us if you could explain what you like specifically about that version of the contributions page. Would you be able to do that?

The first is I’m a serial anti UPE editor thus the old version allowed me to easily see who created an article I just had to keep scrolling and scrolling and eventually I discovered who,  the old version pretty much allowed me to know who and who made edits to an article instantaneously, I could then open another article and easily juxtapose when looking out for potential sockpuppetry. The benefits are much especially for people who work in anti spam. I see with this new one, I have to manually go to older 50, older 50 till I get the article creator not a problem now because I have a script that tells me the article creator once I click on an article. Although daunting I can live with this, if this script that tries to mirror the simplistic view wasn’t proffered  I probably would have exited the collaborative project the next day. It’s not fair that new updates are just heaped on mobile editors without any prior notification. But like I said I can live with this but please those little changes, you can checkout my UP and you can see the impact I make throughout the English collaborative project and just with a mobile device why then am I made to face such inconveniences? But I understand and I’m willing to work with one but moving forward if there are drastic changes to the mobile interface I’d just scramble my password and exit without making any noise about it. Thank you.
— Celestina007

The first is I’m a serial anti UPE editor thus the old version allowed me to easily see who created an article I just had to keep scrolling and scrolling and eventually I discovered who,  the old version pretty much allowed me to know who and who made edits to an article instantaneously,

Did you try clicking the "oldest" link?

That’s a fair enough point, in retrospect I don’t believe I did, Izno, the problem is (generally speaking) the interface modulations we have experienced over the years may be inconsequential for desktop users, but for mobile editors it is a dreaded nightmare. I note the reason for the change was for something along the lines of (the current version makes certain editors / or was it rev del'ed or suppressed material who or which  do not want to be seen/be public?) to be identifiable (I’m probably not getting that right) but I do understand the reason as it aids our policy on privacy, I note this is done in good faith but a modulation such as this can be a single deciding factor for many mobile editors to quit, due to diverse reasons, Infact on VPT, the other editor blatantly refused to add the script.Izno, honestly speaking if I didn’t have this script which currently mirrors the old simplistic view although good, but not as (perfect) as the old interface,  I probably would have quit editing altogether. You see Izno, the sheer mental stress alone that we are being  forced yet again to (swallow) another change in our interface is reason enough to see mobile editors quit the collaborative project.— Celestina007

All subtasks are now resolved. Resolving.

Test wiki on Patch demo by Jdlrobson using patch(es) linked to this task was deleted: