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Decide on the UX design for the edit summary
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I think this task is actually not needed?

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from UX for how Edit Summary works to Decide on the UX design for the edit summary.Jan 26 2022, 5:27 PM
Jdforrester-WMF edited projects, added Design; removed WikiLambda Front-end.

For the edit summary would it be possible to automatically generate a summary based on the edited content? Since we're handling somehow structured data, I'm wondering if that is possible. Editors can then decide to either leave the summary as is, delete it, or edit it.

In the example below I added the Italian name and input label to the function "Say twice". These changes are then reflected in the summary placeholder.

Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 15.37.08.png (1×2 px, 237 KB)

Hmmm, good question and proposal. I believe the answer is essentially: Yes, possible, but it's complex enough that we'll want to postpone until later, and investigate all the work and challenges that Wikidata has already learned from their automated edit summaries. (e.g hundreds of tasks in a search for "edit summary" (and others in a search for "edit summaries")).
Also, once the Edit Summaries are saved, I'm not sure if we'd be able to automagically make them display in the viewer's own language. (e.g. if I'm viewing the edits by a Japanese editor, would the page-history show me an English or Japanese autosummary?). This Wikidata task I stumbled upon seems related T215637: Implement translatable edit summaries / multilingual comments using comment_data (but also sounds like a potentially significant performance or scaling issue)
James might have other/better ideas.

You can see some attempts to make edit summaries less mono-lingual in my more recent contributions.

For example, I followed the UI and used ➕, 🗑, and 🔗 for “add”, “delete” and “link”. I also referenced objects with links, so they display with interface language labels (or, mostly, fall back to English). This is not a great experience for anyone. Ignoring performance, the main challenge is that we cannot make use of the multilingual labels for keys within Wikifunctions objects (“Z10026K1” in the example), nor can we reference the vocabulary used in the UI (like “Input type”). Whether or not it is automated, the ability to include such elements would help make edit summaries multilingual. I am intending to create a Feature Request for this, as it will be useful across Wikifunctions in documentation and discussion pages.

The one thing I would prioritize is including the type of object alongside its label. I’m not sure the edit summary is the best place for that, but it is our only option today. In the example given, that would put “[[Z8]]” at the start of the summary. (Then we might have “➕[[1787]]🏷”; I put the language first because you select the language before adding the label and, as always, I apologize for the left-to-right bias.)

For the edit summary would it be possible to automatically generate a summary based on the edited content? Since we're handling somehow structured data, I'm wondering if that is possible. Editors can then decide to either leave the summary as is, delete it, or edit it.

It will be theoretically possible (at least after the Goal 6 work), yes. Also, one thing I'd caution is that the edit summary is going to be a single-language string of text – so if the user (or system) writes a message in French, it'll be in French for all other users too.

On Wikidata they did a lot of work to describe changes in a structured way, so that e.g. shows as:

English: "Changed [el] description: Άγγλος συγγραφέας (1952–2001)"
French: "Description [el] modifiée : Άγγλος συγγραφέας (1952–2001)"
Greek: "Τροποποίησε την [el] περιγραφή: Άγγλος συγγραφέας (1952–2001)"
Arabic: "غيّر وصفا بـ[el]: Άγγλος συγγραφέας (1952–2001)"

But adding that for us might be quite a lot of work.

In the example below I added the Italian name and input label to the function "Say twice". These changes are then reflected in the summary placeholder.

Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 15.37.08.png (1×2 px, 237 KB)

Yeah; an automated message saying "Added a label in [it]" wouldn't be too hard, but there are hundreds of possible edits you could make (add/edit/remove label/input label in [lang]; add/edit/remove/re-order alias in [lang]; etc.) so we'd need to be careful to make this a manageable and not overwhelming task for translators.

gengh subscribed.

This is resolved as part of the Publish component work