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mediawiki/libs/RemexHtml phan issues under 8.1
Closed, ResolvedPublic


*As of 2022-10-24**:

00:00:20.571 src/Serializer/HtmlFormatter.php:240 PhanImpossibleTypeComparison Impossible attempt to check if $node->prefix of type string is identical to null of type null
00:00:20.571 src/Serializer/HtmlFormatter.php:247 PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable Argument 1 ($name) is $name of type ?string but \Wikimedia\RemexHtml\DOM\DOMUtils::uncoerceName() takes string defined at src/DOM/DOMUtils.php:34 (expected type to be non-nullable)
00:00:20.571 src/Serializer/HtmlFormatter.php:282 PhanTypeMismatchDimAssignment When appending to a value of type array<string,bool>|array{pre:true,textarea:true,listing:true}, found an array access index of type ?string, but expected the index to be of type int|string
00:00:20.572 src/Serializer/HtmlFormatter.php:282 PhanTypeMismatchDimFetchNullable When fetching an array index from a value of type array<string,bool>|array{pre:true,textarea:true,listing:true}, found an array index of type ?string, but expected the index to be of the non-nullable type string
00:00:20.572 src/Serializer/HtmlFormatter.php:285 PhanTypeMismatchDimAssignment When appending to a value of type array<string,bool>|array{area:true,base:true,basefont:true,bgsound:true,br:true,col:true,embed:true,frame:true,hr:true,img:true,input:true,keygen:true,link:true,menuitem:true,meta:true,param:true,source:true,track:true,wbr:true}, found an array access index of type ?string, but expected the index to be of type int|string
00:00:20.572 src/Serializer/HtmlFormatter.php:285 PhanTypeMismatchDimFetchNullable When fetching an array index from a value of type array<string,bool>|array{area:true,base:true,basefont:true,bgsound:true,br:true,col:true,embed:true,frame:true,hr:true,img:true,input:true,keygen:true,link:true,menuitem:true,meta:true,param:true,source:true,track:true,wbr:true}, found an array index of type ?string, but expected the index to be of the non-nullable type string

Event Timeline

Change 789256 had a related patch set uploaded (by Umherirrender; author: Umherirrender):

[mediawiki/libs/RemexHtml@master] build: Fix phan nullable issues with upstream type hints in php8.1

Change 789256 abandoned by Umherirrender:

[mediawiki/libs/RemexHtml@master] build: Fix phan nullable issues with upstream type hints in php8.1


No good idea about a better fix

Change 789256 restored by Umherirrender:

[mediawiki/libs/RemexHtml@master] build: Fix phan nullable issues with upstream type hints in php8.1

Change 789256 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/libs/RemexHtml@master] build: Fix phan nullable issues with upstream type hints in php8.1

Change 850678 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tim Starling; author: Tim Starling):

[mediawiki/libs/RemexHtml@master] Make Phan pass on PHP 8.1

Change 850678 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/libs/RemexHtml@master] Make Phan pass on PHP 8.1