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Revise Reply button appearance to make it less distracting on busy talk pages (desktop)
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This task involves the work with revising how the new Reply button appears to make them less distracting to people while continuing to ensure people who are new can quickly and easily recognize the buttons.


Viewing/reading talk pages with many comments on desktop or mobile can be a bit tough on the eyes because of how visually prominent the Reply buttons currently are:

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 3.28.37 PM.png (1×1 px, 462 KB)



  • No changes; Reply links will continue to:
    • Appear on the line beneath the comment to which they are related
    • Be preceded by an arrow


  • Remove the "arrow" that appears before each Reply link/button
    • Note: Reply links/buttons will continue to appear immediately after a comment's signature and NOT on a new line.


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Making the button text and icon the same line height/font size as normal text would help. You could also try unbolding it.

Related: @Xaosflux expressed concern about Reply buttons appearing beneath the comment to which the button is related.

I'm including this comment here as we'll want to consider this as part of the discussion we have scheduled for this Wednesday about the broader topic of where and how Reply buttons are shown.

"Yes, depending on the current line length/line wrap in some cases it made me think I was going to reply to the parent post - this only happens in Minerva where the replyto control is moved away from the end-of-line. I'd much rather it be inline, and be consistently located across skins." | source

ppelberg renamed this task from Revise Reply button appearance to make it less distracting on busy talk pages to Revise Reply button appearance to make it less distracting on busy talk pages (desktop).Jul 25 2022, 4:07 AM
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg added a project: Goal.

Change 785171 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bartosz Dziewoński; author: Esanders):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Make reply links into buttons

Change 785171 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Make reply links into buttons when visual enhancements enabled

EAkinloose subscribed.

Tested on cswiki


Screenshot 2022-08-03 at 03.50.52.png (1×2 px, 147 KB)

✅ Remove the "arrow" that appears before each Reply link/button


IMG_613BA8A3BEF3-1.jpeg (2×1 px, 683 KB)

✅ No changes