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Browsing page with Special:RecentChangesLinked and Special:RecentChanges transcluded may temporary set the skin to default skin
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue:

  • Go to Russian Wikipedia. Make sure that your skin is other than Vector (2010), otherwise go to preferences page and change the skin, e. g. to Vector (2022)
  • Open edit form on any page (you can use local Wikipedia:Sandbox for this purpose)
  • Include Special:RecentChanges or Special:RecentChangesLinked with any set of parameters to the page. Sample code:
{{Special:RecentChangesLinked/Категория:Статьи проекта Компьютерные игры}}
  • Publish the changes or click on "Preview" button.

What happens?:
Saved/previewed page is being rendered using deprecated Vector (2010) skin. Other pages are continued to be rendered normally. Refreshing or null-editing the page might randomly fix the issue.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 23-41-48 Википедия Песочница - Википедия.png (643×958 px, 64 KB)
Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 23-42-17 Editing Википедия Песочница - Википедия.png (762×941 px, 59 KB)
Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 23-42-31 Editing Википедия Песочница - Википедия.png (847×941 px, 151 KB)

Other information:

  • I reproduced this issue in Russian, Ukrainian and German Wikipedias, but I failed to reproduce it in English Wikipedia. Might be related to FlaggedRevs?
  • This issue seems to be independant of interface language. I reproduced it using both Russian and English interface language in Russian Wikipedia.
  • Seems like the arguments you pass to the page have no effect at all. E. g. the issue still persists if the page you're trying to get linked changes for is nonexistent.

Event Timeline

Facenapalm renamed this task from Browsing page with Special:RecentChangesLinked transcluded may result in temporary Vector 2022 disabling to Browsing page with Special:RecentChangesLinked transcluded may temporary set the skin to Vector 2010.Aug 2 2023, 10:46 PM
Facenapalm updated the task description. (Show Details)

UPD: turns out this issue is not Vector 2022-specific, I reproduced it with other skins as well (Monobook, Timeless). Updated the task description accordingly.

I also got thrown at the old skin very often, and I can’t clearly describe how.

You also can check this bug with this link (switch on Vector22 before):ПРО:ТР

Iniquity renamed this task from Browsing page with Special:RecentChangesLinked transcluded may temporary set the skin to Vector 2010 to Browsing page with Special:RecentChangesLinked and Special:RecentChanges transcluded may temporary set the skin to default skin.Aug 23 2023, 8:18 AM
Iniquity added subscribers: LD, IZapico-WMF.

I think this is not the fault of the FlaggedRevs extension, since the problems are also in the Spanish and French Wikipedias.

I have this same people at one of my user subpages at portuguese wikipedia:

It stoped when I removed the template "recent changes"... but still, this bug should be addressed..

matmarex subscribed.

This has been broken and fixed several times in the past, most recently in T336504: Transcluding Special:Prefixindex can force the default skin.

With a bit of lucky guessing, I discovered that this regression was triggered by, and it turns out that it can be fixed with

This problem will keep occurring until we fix the root cause – the special page transclusion mechanism temporarily changes the global state to avoid leaking information about the user viewing the page (T290706), and then something caches this state permanently (I didn't track down in this case where this happens, because it doesn't matter).

Change 958521 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bartosz Dziewoński; author: Bartosz Dziewoński):

[mediawiki/core@master] ChangesListSpecialPage: Omit watchlist expiry icon in legend when transcluded

Change 958521 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] ChangesListSpecialPage: Omit watchlist expiry icon in legend when transcluded

The fix will be deployed to Wikimedia wikis next week, between Tuesday and Thursday, on the usual schedule.