Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Be an editor using an IP address or range which is blocked both globally and locally. This is routinely done for e.g. VPN providers.
- Attempt to edit the wiki on which you are locally blocked.
What happens?:
One receives the message There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address as the reasoning for the block:
What should have happened instead?:
The user should have received the local message, which includes a lot of detail about how to request an unblock, IP block exemption, etc. These are generally written locally as templates (for example, {{blocked proxy}} on enwiki).
Another solution may be to have two messages, one triggered by local blocks and one by global, to allow for multiple messages, though I imagine this may be a lot of information to throw at a new user. Local projects should probably have the first say in what their messages look like for local blocks, rather than being inadvertently overidden by a global message.