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Regression: Setting icon in ReferencePreview popups does nothing
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


The cogwheel at the bottom of Reference Previews popups appears to be broken on the Wikimedia live wikis right now. Clicking it does nothing.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 3.11.09 PM.png (606×784 px, 159 KB)

Looks like the issue exists only for logged in users. It's supposed to be a weblink to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering-reading.

Note the codebase fundamentally changed since the WMDE-TechWish team wrote the feature.

QA Results - Prod


Event Timeline

Change 955777 had a related patch set uploaded (by Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE); author: Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Popups@master] Fix settings button not working on reference previews

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Setting icon in ReferencePreview popups does nothing to Regression: Setting icon in ReferencePreview popups does nothing.Sep 7 2023, 6:02 PM
Jdlrobson triaged this task as High priority.
Jdlrobson set the point value for this task to 0.

Change 955791 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Popups@wmf/1.41.0-wmf.25] Fix settings button not working on reference previews

Change 955791 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Popups@wmf/1.41.0-wmf.25] Fix settings button not working on reference previews

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-09-07T20:45:22Z] <thcipriani@deploy1002> Started scap: Backport for [[gerrit:955792|Preserve Gadget prefs when they can't be enabled (T341421)]], [[gerrit:955791|Fix settings button not working on reference previews (T345829)]]

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-09-07T20:46:48Z] <thcipriani@deploy1002> jdlrobson and thcipriani: Backport for [[gerrit:955792|Preserve Gadget prefs when they can't be enabled (T341421)]], [[gerrit:955791|Fix settings button not working on reference previews (T345829)]] synced to the testservers mwdebug2001.codfw.wmnet, mwdebug1001.eqiad.wmnet, mwdebug2002.codfw.wmnet, mwdebug1002.eqiad.wmnet, and mw-debug kubernetes deployment (accessible via k8s-experimental XWD o

This has been deployed and can now be QAed in production.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-09-07T20:56:35Z] <thcipriani@deploy1002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:955792|Preserve Gadget prefs when they can't be enabled (T341421)]], [[gerrit:955791|Fix settings button not working on reference previews (T345829)]] (duration: 11m 12s)

Change 955777 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Popups@master] Fix settings button not working on reference previews

Test Result - Prod

Status: ❓Need More Info
Environment: enwiki
OS: macOS Ventura
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBA
Emulated Device:NA

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps

The cogwheel at the bottom of Reference Previews be a weblink to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering-reading.
I don't see a cog wheel at the bottom of a reference preview, but just the normal page preview. Additionally, when I click the cog wheel it does go to the preferences page, but I'm not sure where it would scroll to.

screenshot (880×1 px, 2 MB)

screenshot (880×1 px, 988 KB)

screenshot (880×1 px, 890 KB)

Thanks @Edtadros - I looked into this some more and I think we've found a different but existing problem.

It seems the setting cog only disables if the feature has been shipped.

Could you please repeat the QA on German Wikipedia

I've opened T346404 for the English Wikipedia case.

Edtadros removed Edtadros as the assignee of this task.
Edtadros subscribed.

Test Result - Prod

Status: ✅ PASS
Environment: dewiki
OS: macOS Ventura
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBA
Emulated Device:NA

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps

The cogwheel at the bottom of Reference Previews be a weblink to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering-reading.

screenshot (884×974 px, 675 KB)