This task involves the work with converging on what people will experience when they attempt to reference a source that a project has determined to be unreliable while editing using the visual editor. A parallel effort for the 2010 wikitext editor is is happening in T347435.
Where "unreliable" in the scope of this ticket refers to a source that exists on a given project's Special:BlockedExternalDomains page.
Note: we can see a future where Edit Checks presents people with feedback about source beyond those that projects block from being published. Tho, this work will happen in T348060 once, at a minimum, T346849 is resolved. [i]
As a person who is unaware of Wikipedia's reliability policy and who is attempting to reference a source that the project I'm editing has deemed to be unreliable and unfit for publishing on-wiki, I'd value being made aware of this information and presented with an easy and timely way to act on it, so that I can publish the change(s) I'm making and increase the likelihood that they remain on the wiki.
User experience
This section will eventually contain the proposed user experience for, what we're calling, the Reference Reliability Edit Check.
Learning objectives
This ticket is scoped with the goal of helping us to arrive at initial answers to the following questions:
- When and how is the feedback shown initially?
- What call(s) to action is presented along with that feedback?
- When you engage with the call to action, what does the workflow look like?
Open questions
- 1. What - if anything – will we need to do to ensure the UX this ticket will introduce does, at a minimum, not conflict with what people will see when they attempt to an invalid domain. E.g. google.con
- 2. What default message will people see within Citoid when they attempt to add a source that is listed on MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist and/or MediaWiki:BlockedExternalDomains.json?
- Answers to all "Open questions" are documented
- Mockups are added to the "User experience" section above
- "Requirements" are documented in "User experience" section above
i. Please see T346849#9217888 for more context about how/why the Editing Team has arrived at this point of view.