When translating from a language without machine translation, the paragraph comes across to the right-hand column with the links intact and, when you click on the linked words the system works out what the link should go to in the destination language. So far so good.
However, how do I change the TEXT of the link without either losing the link itself, or awkwardly writing new characters and then deleting the old ones?
If I double-click on the linked-word to replace the complete word with a word in my language - the link disappears. The only alternative seems to be to place the cursor somewhere in the middle of the linked text, type the new word, then carefully remove the characters from the original word on either side of the text. Neither option is efficient and it seems to break the "easily translate the links" component of the CX tool.
See attached video for an example of what I mean. In the example I'm trying to translate a linked word from French to English ("mars (mois)" to "March").