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Track numbers for Electron- vs. OCG-Rendering
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We want to keep track of how many users are choosing the Electron- and the OCG-rendering option in the ElectronPdfService extension.

One of the wishes of the 2015 German-speaking community wishlist as well as the international community wishlist was the support of tables in pdfs: T135643.
It would take an enormous engineering effort to add tables to the current latex layout in a way that 80%-90% of the tables display correctly. 10%-20% would always be off due to the different capabilities of the two media (printed, layouted page versus HTML). Therefore the idea is to offer another way of rendering pdfs. The new browser-based rendering version will not have the well designed latex layout (at least for the start), but look like the printed website - not perfect for print, but at least complete.

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Event Timeline

Bmueller renamed this task from Track numbers for Electron- vs. OCR-Rendering to Track numbers for Electron- vs. OCG-Rendering.Nov 9 2016, 11:58 AM
Bmueller updated the task description. (Show Details)

AFAIK there id a page that presents the user with two buttons? one for each service?
We could simply track the number of clicks of that button?

We could probably also / or track the number of views of the relevant services.

@Addshore It's a form with two radio buttons. So we need to track when the form gets submitted, but that shouldn't be a problem, right?

I assume if we track on the form submit level (which should not be a problem) we can potentially get richer data if needed (e.g. if the user is logged in or not);
The number of requests to the services is probably less rich – but I assume even easier to track. If we track both (none sounds complicated) we could easily check the sets against each other.

Change 321631 had a related patch set uploaded (by Addshore):
Track how many of which actions occour

The Collection extension already track how many renderings it makes / serves.
The above patch will allow us to see how many of those come from the electronpdf extension as well as how many electron pdfs are served from the extension.

Addshore moved this task from Sprint ready to Currently in sprint on the WMDE-TechWish board.
Addshore moved this task from Incoming to Doing on the WMDE-Analytics-Engineering board.
Addshore moved this task from Unsorted 💣 to Active 🚁 on the User-Addshore board.

Change 321631 merged by jenkins-bot:
Track how many of which actions occour

Addshore moved this task from Active 🚁 to Closing ✔️ on the User-Addshore board.