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Gerrit is failing to connect to db on gerrit2001 thus preventing systemd from working
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Gerrit is failing to start on gerrit2001 since a restart of the service. It is not writing to logs, not starting sshd and failing to start.

(note this is not running yet, cobalt is running fine)

We tried

  • bin/ start
  • bin/ run
  • restarting the server.
  • Running init.

@demon ran init, and found it was stalling on the db. We then found it's because the firewall is preventing gerrit2001 from being allowed to connect. We need to fix the firewall and retry init again. (Requires DBA to fix the firewall)

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and..after a while it dies again just by itself..

We'll do T168562 and reinstall this box with stretch to, ideally, kill 2 birds with one stone. Confirm if this issue goes away and see if any other stretch blockers.

I think we found the likly culprit (Chad) found this P6046. It's not connecting to the db due to a firewall preventing it from being allowed to connect.

Here is a change to add firewall rules to mariadb::misc to fix that.

@Dzahn we are going to have to manually open the port per jynus on for now

Change 379420 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; owner: Paladox):
[operations/puppet@production] Gerrit: Enable ui for slaves

Change 379420 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] Gerrit: Enable ui for slaves

Well, that change above has "--enable-sshd" as option when it is a slave, and it wasn't merged.. and we were wondering why gerrit-ssh didn't come up? :) :p merged that

Gerrit ssh won’t start because it carn’t connect to the mysql db. Since chad coulden’t get init to work.

Or did you create the port hole allowing the init to run?

No, i did not create a hole. I just think these are 2 unrelated issues. gerrit service doesnt start because of the db, but when it starts it doesn't start gerrrit-ssh because it didn't have --enable-sshd until now.

@Dzahn Ssh should start regardless of weather we specify that option or not since it is there just for consitency. The problem is mostly likely it not connecting to ththe db which would prevent it from either starting or starting ssh.

If gerrit carnt start then ssh won’t staty

Dzahn changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Sep 28 2017, 8:14 PM

stalled by firewall on DB

Adding DBA as we need the firewall to allow connection from m2-master.codfw.wmnet. Since the eqiad has no firewall or at least allows gerrit (cobalt) to connect.

Paladox renamed this task from Gerrit is failing to start gerrit-ssh on gerrit2001 to Gerrit is failing to connect to db on gerrit2001 thus preventing systemd from working.Sep 28 2017, 8:22 PM
Paladox updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Marostegui oh thanks. Is there a way we can fix this please? As it was working before but then we restarted and connecting to the db then failed.

As it was working before

It wasn't working before- there was a security whole and a lack of infrastructure on codfw. Proxies have to be bought and setup to have proper support. If there is an emergency, and we have to use gerrit on codfw, we can do a quick exception, but if while that doesn't happen, we should setup things properly, mirroring eqiad's setup in terms of HA and enable TLS for potential cross-dc traffic, as it is the internal Wikimedia policy.

Yea, this should just wait for the proper setup in codfw. I don't see an emergency here.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-12-03T03:57:02Z] <no_justification> gerrit2001: icinga is flapping on the gerrit process/systemd check, but this is kind of known (not sure why it's doing this all of a sudden). It's not letting me acknowledge it, but it's fine/harmless. Cf T176532

Just added a week of downtime to gerrit2001 since icinga was spamming.

Is anyone working on this issue? @Dzahn @jcrespo if neither of you is working on this or thinks to work on this soon, I'd rather move gerrit2001 to use role::spare::system for now since we're not really able to use it, and it's just spamming icinga. What do you think?

The proxies for codfw have been budget but not yet ordered, so right now we are not working on this task no.

Let's not set it to role::spare::system please. That would mean actively going back and removing Gerrit as a warm stand-by. I would like to keep it and instead just fix it so that "if on in-active server then skip Icinga checks". I'll look into that.

Change 419080 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; owner: Dzahn):
[operations/puppet@production] gerrit: skip gerrit process monitoring if on slave

Change 419080 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] gerrit: skip gerrit process monitoring if on slave

Dzahn raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Mar 12 2018, 11:52 PM

We still want this just as before. We were just asked to wait unless it's an emergency and we can't call it an emergency.

Change 419084 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; owner: Dzahn):
[operations/puppet@production] base/icinga: add Hiera override to skip systemd monitoring

Change 419086 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; owner: Dzahn):
[operations/puppet@production] gerrit: skip systemd monitoring on gerrit2001

Change 419084 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] base/icinga: add Hiera override to skip systemd monitoring

Change 419086 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] gerrit: skip systemd monitoring on gerrit2001

  • added parameter to base monitoring class to allow disabling of systemd Icinga monitoring
  • applied to gerrit2001, works. It's removed from Icinga now.
  • removing hieradata/hosts/gerrit2001.yaml will re-enable it again, let's not forget that once this ticket is resolved

with the migration to notedb accounts and changes have been removed from the db and moved into a git repo type store.

Upstream have moved groups to notedb.

And now upstream is planning 3.0 with a blocker stating that the db needs to be dropped as a requirement to running gerrit.

You are saying we won't need any mysql/mariadb for Gerrit anymore?

Yep, but currently 2.x will still require a db just 2.15 does not read changes from the db (nor accounts) thus we could do cross dc querys?

Gerrit is now 100% NoteDB from 2.16 see . Though it still needs to connect to the DB. In 3.0 it will drop DB support. So this task will be fixed by upstream removing db support.


In theory we could fix this with the upgrade to 2.16 (as nothing uses the db anymore but it's still required for connections)

So tagging the upgrade to 2.16 task even if we wait till 3.0 to do this.

ReviewDB has now been removed upstream.

Paladox raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Mar 19 2019, 12:38 AM

Closing this as resolved since this will be resolved with T200739

let's only resolve stuff that is actually resolved, not what will be resolved in the future

I have set up the proxy for m2 in codfw.
I know gerrit won't be using the database anymore in the future release, but I thought I would mention it here:

root@cumin1001:/home/marostegui# mysql --skip-ssl -hdbproxy2002.codfw.wmnet reviewdb -e "show tables"
| Tables_in_reviewdb          |
| account_external_ids        |
| account_group_by_id         |
| account_group_by_id_aud     |
| account_group_id            |
| account_group_members       |
| account_group_members_audit |
| account_group_names         |
| account_groups              |
| account_id                  |
| accounts                    |
| change_id                   |
| change_messages             |
| changes                     |
| patch_comments              |
| patch_set_approvals         |
| patch_sets                  |
| schema_version              |
| system_config               |

Please note that that proxy points to the codfw DBs, which are obviously in read-only mode (as they are slaves from the active primary master in eqiad)

Change 527114 had a related patch set uploaded (by Marostegui; owner: Marostegui):
[operations/dns@master] wmnet: Point m2-master.codfw to dbproxy2002

Change 527114 merged by Marostegui:
[operations/dns@master] wmnet: Point m2-master.codfw to dbproxy2002

Change 527114 merged by Marostegui:
[operations/dns@master] wmnet: Point m2-master.codfw to dbproxy2002

I have merged this, but this won't make gerrit2001 be able to connect as the FW is allowing cobalt and and gerrit2001 isn't on any of those.
So I guess modules/profile/manifests/mariadb/ferm_misc.pp needs to include gerrit2001 if we really want to have this working (subscribing Moritz)

Not sure if it is worth doing that if at some point gerrit won't need MySQL anymore: T176532#5085020

I'll add it. Thanks Manuel!

Change 527595 had a related patch set uploaded (by Paladox; owner: Paladox):
[operations/puppet@production] profile::mariadb::ferm_misc: Add to the firewall for port 3306

Change 527595 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] profile::mariadb::ferm_misc: Add to the firewall

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-08-02T19:24:56Z] <mutante> gerrit2001 - re-enabling puppet, starting as slave for the first time ever, thanks to codfw dbproxy, gerrit service running (T176532)

Change 527638 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; owner: Dzahn):
[operations/puppet@production] gerrit: fix sshd listen address if on a slave

Change 527638 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] gerrit: fix sshd listen address if on a slave

gerrit, gerrit's httpd and gerrit's sshd are now all running and listening on the right address on gerrit2001.

it's up and running as a slave. thanks DBA:)