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test.wp is using test2.wp's message cache
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Not sure where this problem comes from, could be config or software, but I just noticed that on, I see the gadgets from

Definition for test.wp:

Does not match with the gadgets actually shown on test.wp

which instead reflects what seems to be

This seems concerning that one wiki shows content from another wiki all of a sudden. Check with MediaWiki-extensions-GlobalPreferences team and they don't think it's something that they are triggering. Not sure where else to look.

Event Timeline

I'm randomly guessing that this could be related to the MCR stuff?

For this to happen somehow the test2 message contents would need to get into the test.wp message cache.

Legoktm renamed this task from test.wp shows the gadgets from test2.wp to test.wp is using test2.wp's message cache.Jun 15 2018, 11:37 AM

I did a bit of debugging with eval.php, and this appears to affect all overridden system messages on test.wp - they're using the test2.wp version.

Scratch that. It seems more likely that this was caused by the mcrouter deployment...

Change 440526 had a related patch set uploaded (by Legoktm; owner: Legoktm):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Make sure that mcrouter BagOStuff goes through ObjectCache::newFromParams()

Change 440526 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Make sure that mcrouter BagOStuff goes through ObjectCache::newFromParams()

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-06-15T12:56:23Z] <legoktm@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/mc.php: Make sure that mcrouter BagOStuff goes through ObjectCache::newFromParams() - T197450 (duration: 00m 57s)

OK, so this is fixed, but some of the core messages are missing - if someone wants to do a full scap (I don't have time), it should restore the missing messages.

OK, so this is fixed, but some of the core messages are missing - if someone wants to do a full scap (I don't have time), it should restore the missing messages.

Hmm, l10nupdate has now run a few times and it's still missing messages…

Has someone tried running a full scap? I'm not sure if l10nupdate is enough (but I don't understand exactly what the difference is)

Has someone tried running a full scap? I'm not sure if l10nupdate is enough (but I don't understand exactly what the difference is)

No, we're in a no-deploy week. I'll run one on Monday if it's still broken.

Still broken after today's train run and SWAT deploys. :-(

Reedy triaged this task as High priority.Jun 29 2018, 5:59 PM
Reedy removed a project: Patch-For-Review.

Testing around, I see that doesn't use the {{msg-override}} message from Is this task still named appropriately?

If core messages are missing, then I don't see how it can be MessageCache or something mcrouter related. In that case, I'll just keep this on my radar.

Something is still wrong, unclear if it's related to mcrouter or not. e.g. on a bunch of messages are missing, even though they're defined in the MW namespace.

@Legoktm Can you provide an example of a missing message? I just looked at two examples and they seemed fine.

  1. ⧼right-hidden⧽ - expected as this message doesn't exist at (It's an old hack)
  2. "Gadget-MobileCategories" - expected as doesn't exist. I created it as example just now, and its label ("Categories on mobile") shows up on

@Legoktm Can you provide an example of a missing message? I just looked at two examples and they seemed fine.

  1. ⧼right-hidden⧽ - expected as this message doesn't exist at (It's an old hack)
  2. "Gadget-MobileCategories" - expected as doesn't exist. I created it as example just now, and its label ("Categories on mobile") shows up on

Yeah, I didn't look closely enough. LGTM now.