What is the goal?
Ensure community members who have contributed graph UGC are aware that Graph/Graphoid is transitioning to a client-side only JavaScript feature and some functionality will be reduced, in order to reduce maintenance cost. We would like to ensure community members are aware that syntactic changes will likely be necessary in wikitext in order to continue function, or at least smooth function, in a number of cases.
How can we help you?
Communication via wikitech-ambassadors and appropriate wiki fora, as well as some targeted user outreach.
What does success look like?
Users are notified. Ideally one or two community members volunteer to assist with the transition of wikitext assets to work with Graph coincident with the software engineering contractor's work to transition the codebase.
What is your deadline?
There are several milestones. Note that we anticipate the contractor's contract to be 6-9 weeks in length.
- Getting early advance notice out in the next couple of weeks would be ideal.
- An interim notice to the community on the date the contractor will begin work (sourcing is still in flight, but it's likely 3-6 weeks before the start date at the time of this Phabricator support request) and where to go to follow along.
- Advance notice about first target wikis cutover date (probably 3-4 weeks after contractor starts).
- Advance notice for all wikis cutover date (probably 5-8 weeks after contractor starts).