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Newcomer tasks: module height changes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When flipping through the tasks in the suggested edits module, the module's height can change. This causes the adjacent impact module's height to also change, and it feels like a confusing page refresh moment for the user. See the gif below.

If a user is flipping through a queue with multiple task types, and one type has wrapped lines, the module's height will change. This will be especially noticeable in Variants C and D on desktop. See the gif below of Variant C and D in development on beta.

module_height.gif (804×1 px, 1 MB)

Event Timeline

Engineers: I'm adding the 1.0 tag on this now, but if the only time this happens is when the user gets to the end of the article list, then it is not critical for 1.0. If that's the case, you can remove the tag and put this back into Upcoming Work. But if this is really easy to fix, it would be nice to just take care of it.

Can this be addressed as part of the task to implement the card itself T235043? I feel it is not a nice to have but part of the implementation to not have the jumpiness.

Are you seeing jumpiness as you navigate cards? AFAIK the only place this occurs is when you scroll to the end of a list of 200 articles.

@kostajh -- I haven't seen it except for arriving at the last card. If it's your expectation that this wouldn't happen for any other reason (like a short article with a short preview or something), then we'll leave it out of v1.0. If we see otherwise in testing, we'll bring it back.

@kostajh -- I haven't seen it except for arriving at the last card. If it's your expectation that this wouldn't happen for any other reason (like a short article with a short preview or something), then we'll leave it out of v1.0. If we see otherwise in testing, we'll bring it back.

To clarify, my expectation is that this should *not* happen even for the end of the articles.

I think this is covered by this chain of patches, specifically the ones which move the ribbon and time estimate to the left side.

The issue with jumpiness seemed to be due to length/placement of labels for difficulty levels (also the info icon and the task time estimation) which was changed (this @kostajh comment)

@MMiller_WMF - please take a look at the gifs below. Switching between articles with different length labels for the difficulty levels is much smoother; on mobile its somewhat more noticeable, but still looks smooth.


SE_jump1.gif (643×986 px, 295 KB)

and, specifically, for different difficulty levels:

SE_jump2.gif (643×986 px, 501 KB)


SE_jump3.gif (660×986 px, 292 KB)

@Etonkovidova -- it looks like the "jumpiness" isn't happening on desktop just because the lines aren't wrapping on desktop. But I wonder if it would still happen if the lines were wrapping? Because there may be languages where the words are still so long they wrap.

And I think that's why it is still jumping in mobile -- because the lines are wrapping in mobile.

@kostajh -- is the idea that we solve this just by trying to give more room to the labels so that they don't wrap? Is that going to scale to all languages?

Moving to Needs More Work so that we address the questions in my previous comment.

@kostajh -- is the idea that we solve this just by trying to give more room to the labels so that they don't wrap?


Is that going to scale to all languages?

No, it won't, see for example Russian wiki.

From my perspective, the most important thing to have in a stable location are the navigation arrows,since that is where the user interaction is occurring when the card changes.

Moving out from that core interaction, there is a balance between informing the user about what they're looking at by showing more words (and possibly breaking layout) or truncating words to keep the layout stable. For example, in the mobile GIF you could see that the short description for the task type jumps to two lines while in previous cards it was one; either the design can be updated so that all cards have preassigned space to show up to two lines (which leaves awkward whitespace for task types that only need one line of text) or you could use CSS to hide the second line (and use a fade + ellipsis as we do in the task card itself for the wikidata description), which might hide important information from the end user.

@kostajh -- is the idea that we solve this just by trying to give more room to the labels so that they don't wrap?


Is that going to scale to all languages?

No, it won't, see for example Russian wiki.

From my perspective, the most important thing to have in a stable location are the navigation arrows,since that is where the user interaction is occurring when the card changes.

Moving out from that core interaction, there is a balance between informing the user about what they're looking at by showing more words (and possibly breaking layout) or truncating words to keep the layout stable. For example, in the mobile GIF you could see that the short description for the task type jumps to two lines while in previous cards it was one; either the design can be updated so that all cards have preassigned space to show up to two lines (which leaves awkward whitespace for task types that only need one line of text) or you could use CSS to hide the second line (and use a fade + ellipsis as we do in the task card itself for the wikidata description), which might hide important information from the end user.

My 2c – agree with @kostajh that the key thing is that the card and navigation arrows do not shift positions between reviewing edits.