This task is about creating a way for people to choose what indentation syntax (read: : or *) is used on a per-comment basis.
Some editors want to be able to choose the wikitext syntax.
-Википедия:Форум/Архив/Общий/2021/02#DiscussionTools_и_двоеточия_в_качестве_отступов – ruwiki might want a per-site default of *, but some editors (at least occasionally) might prefer a per-comment approach
- Would be useful for replying to deletion discussions, requests for comment, and certain other discussions on enwiki that generally are replied to with a bulleted list. T345825: Let user select if they want to reply as a bullet/numbered list/normal
See also:
T259865: Add support for voting-style discussions – which are normally numbered (#) or unordered lists (*)