User story & summary:
As a newcomer, I want to understand the impact of my edits, so that I receive some automated feedback and encouragement to continue editing.
As the Growth team, I want to ensure we communicate about the new Impact module so that communities are informed and the release goes smoothly.
Background & research:
The revised impact module provides new editors with more context about their impact. The new design includes far more personalized info and data visualizations than the previous design.
Acceptance Criteria:
- break rollout into two groups (we might not want to scale to all wikis at once to avoid performance issues, but we should be able to scale fairly quickly)
- Test group: released with the A/B test configuration that we have on the pilot wikis (50% get the new impact module, 50% get the old impact module)
- Greek Wikipedia (el)
- Persian Wikipedia (fa)
- French Wikipedia (fr)
- French Wiktionary (frwikt)
- Indonesian Wikipedia (id)
- Polish Wikipedia (pl)
- Portuguese Wikipedia (pt)
- Romanian Wikipedia (ro)
- Turkish Wokipedia (tr)
- Vietnamese Wikipedia (vi)
- Inform communities
- Test group: released with the A/B test configuration that we have on the pilot wikis (50% get the new impact module, 50% get the old impact module)
Release the new impact module to all remaining Wikipedias that have Growth features:
- test backend (impact module updating logic) on a very large wiki (part of T344143)
- release backend logic to all Wikipedias (part of T344143)
- Test & fix issues if needed
- set release date (Nov 01)
- Inform communities (done via User-notice)
- enable frontend (when visiting the newcomer homepage, users receive the new impact module; no A/B testing needed)
- Disable A/B test on pilot wikis