Related: T335694: IP Masking: Create an icon for temporary accounts
User story
As a person who has a temporary account,
I want the temporary account icon to be clearly different from a regular user account icon,
So that there is an easy visual that helps indicate that I'm not logged into a regular account
Proposed design
Previous proposed designs
- Existing userAnonymous icon from Codex/OOUI
- Used as a placeholder in early work on IP Masking, but considered not ideal as a misrepresentation of the person being incognito in the same way as browser incognito mode.
- Can be confusing for the Unregistered/Anonymous editor user type that would still exist in many places during the MVP
- Stylistically very different from the userAvatar icon
- Dotted outline avatar
- Used in Growth usability tests (see figma) with no negative feedback.
- Dotted line is more indicative of the ephemeral nature of the user account but may be harder to notice at the smaller resolution.
Acceptance criteria:
Given I am logged into a temporary account,
When I view the menu,
Then the icon used to represent my temporary user account is the temporary account icon:
Given I receive a message from a temporary user,
When I view the notification.
The the icon used to represent the temporary user account is the temporary account icon