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Named users should be able to Mute a temp account
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task is a follow up from: T331058: Make Special:Mute only usable for named users

User story & summary:

As a named user, I want to mute temp accounts, so that I can ignore the temp account (for various reasons).

Background & research:

This task is important because

  • named users should have the ability to mute temp accounts if needed.
  • temp accounts should behave like IP editor accounts, and named users can mute IP editors once T207659 is resolved.
Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am a logged in, named user,
When I want to mute a temp account,
Then I can mute the temp account

NOTE: this task relates to both Notifications Mute & Special:EmailUser Mute

Event Timeline

KStoller-WMF added a subscriber: Tchanders.

@Tchanders and I discussed this today. My preference would be for us to disallow muting temporary users from Special:Mute and Special:Preferences.

What's the reasoning for this preference? I don't have a strong preference, but it seems like when in doubt we should default to treating temp accounts in the same way IP editor accounts were treated previously, right? And it seems like completing this task could limit the possibility of temp accounts being used for harassment.

In general I think it makes sense to complete this task, but I want to be sure I'm not missing something. I'm moving this task to Blocked until we hear back from @Niharika.

KStoller-WMF added a subscriber: Umherirrender.

It sounds like one of the assumptions this task was based on is incorrect.
Based on feedback from Niharika and feedback in the related task, I'm declining this task.

@Tchanders can you please confirm that IPs cannot be muted through the current implementation?

@Umherirrender is correct, but I can also confirm that this is the case.

This comment was removed by RHo.
SD0001 subscribed.

Still a desirable feature even though the original assumption for filing was incorrect. The equivalent task for muting IPs now has a patch up for review.

As far as I can tell, this functionality already exists. I am able to mute a temp user in my Echo notification preferences.

As far as I can tell, this functionality already exists. I am able to mute a temp user in my Echo notification preferences.

This is correct.

What was done

We did some work to disable Special:Mute muting temporary users, but the work to do the same for Echo preferences was never done.

The work we did on Special:Mute was (from T331058):

  • Only named users should be able to access Special:Mute. Anons and temporary users should see an error.
  • Special:Mute/<username> should display an error if <username> is not a named user's name (e.g. if it is an IP, temp user, nonexistent user, or empty)
  • Named users should see a "Mute preferences" link in their side menu on pages that have a 'relevant user' (e.g. Special:Contributions/<someuser>, Special:Block/<someuser>, etc) - but only if <someuser> is a named user. Temp and anon users should not see this link.

What we should do now

We can leave Echo as-is.

We should undo the following:

  • Special:Mute/<username> should display an error if <username> is not a named user's name (e.g. if it is an IP, temp user, nonexistent user, or empty)
  • Named users should see a "Mute preferences" link in their side menu on pages that have a 'relevant user' (e.g. Special:Contributions/<someuser>, Special:Block/<someuser>, etc) - but only if <someuser> is a named user. Temp and anon users should not see this link.

Change 974519 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tchanders; author: Tchanders):

[mediawiki/core@master] Re-enable muting temporary users

Change 974519 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Re-enable muting temporary users

dom_walden subscribed.

I tested muting and unmuting temporary and named users on beta enwiki and beta dewiki. I did so via Special:Mute and Special:Preferences.

I checked that after muting a temporary user it does actually stop sending notifications when the temp user mentions my username.

Two things to note are:

  • Special:Mute for a temp user does not include Mute emails from this user (which makes sense as temp users don't have emails) but you can still add a temp username to Prohibit these users from emailing me: on Special:Preferences.
  • On wikis without temporary usernames enabled (e.g. enwiki beta), Special:Mute for a temporary username does include Mute emails from this user, I guess because the username is considered a named user.

Test environments: and MediaWiki 1.42.0-alpha (ef0e9e0) 09:49, 14 December 2023.

Special:Mute for a temp user does not include Mute emails from this user (which makes sense as temp users don't have emails) but you can still add a temp username to Prohibit these users from emailing me: on Special:Preferences.

Thanks, filed as T353561 - dependent on T332030.

KStoller-WMF claimed this task.
KStoller-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Triaged on the Growth-Team board.