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Implement a real way to request new repositories
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[[mw:Git/New repositories]] does not scale. We need something to automate this process.

Special pages are nice.

Should probably live on Wikitech.



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 12:25 AM
bzimport added a project: Gerrit.
bzimport set Reference to bz36269.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I wonder if Phabricator could be used for this? See also T86639.

Yea, can we just use phab for these now? Recently i just made one (T88745) without even thinking much about it because it seemed normal to use phab for tasks.

Help me finishing T86639: Migrate Gerrit project ownership request system (+2 rights) to Phabricator during this month, and I will take this task for the next month's sprint. :)

@QChris, @demon, you are the ones maintaining Do you want that process to be moved to Phabricator, just like we moved T86639?

To be honest, I don't really care whether it's a Wikipage or Phabricator. Wikipage is easier for me, but meh.

From what I heard, people would care much more about self-servicing than whether it's a Wikipage or not.

Not sure how @demon feels about it, but if what you have in mind with Phabricator allows to people to create repos in self-service: Yes, please switch.

If what you have in mind is not self-service, then I'd not switch. It's only cost and hardly a win, as we'd only trade a slow, manual process for another slow, manual process.

I don't really care one way or the other. I usually make repos when people pester me on IRC anyway.

Doing it via tasks in Phab won't be self-servicing right now. We still need to figure out exactly what the plan is for making repos in Phabricator when the time comes and making that way more self-servicing than what we have now is a goal I think.

Qgil removed a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
Qgil changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jun 28 2015, 8:43 AM
Qgil lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.

So, the plan for Phabricator/Diffusion is that we have the Diffusion-Repository-Administrators team with the right permissions to create/edit repos. That group will respond to requests filed against it (per

The benefits of that (in the post-Gerrit world) is that the group of people with the ability to do so increases in size AND we can add more people to that group easily as needed. It's not quite "everyone can create a repo themselves" but it's closer.

We can discuss the "everyone can create a repo themselves" idea separately, no?

The benefits of that (in the post-Gerrit world) is that the group of people with the ability to do so increases in size

... Are you sure that's a benefit? Isn't it likely to be a repeat performance of Project-Admins?
Have we ensured that nobody can create private repositories?
Do we have guidelines on the conventions for repository naming, ACLs, etc.?

Have we ensured that nobody can create private repositories?

Not off the top of my head.

Do we have guidelines on the conventions for repository naming, ACLs, etc.?

Naming yes, we'll continue to expand with needed info (see the linked wiki page above and help out :) )

Qgil raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Jan 12 2016, 7:38 AM
Qgil moved this task from January-March 2016 to Team radar on the Developer-Advocacy board.

So there is a group of people with the right permissions that is maintained in phabricator but we don't want people to request new repos via phabricator? Why can't we have all the advantages you listed without people having to go edit wiki for one random request while all other requests are in a task?

It's also surprising that the original request already says how wiki doesn't scale and then later the requestor himself says he doesn't care one way or another.

So there is a group of people with the right permissions that is maintained in phabricator but we don't want people to request new repos via phabricator? Why can't we have all the advantages you listed without people having to go edit wiki for one random request while all other requests are in a task?

Did you read the wiki page I linked to?

Requesting a new repository

If you would like to have a new repository created and/or imported into Diffusion, please create a task in the Diffusion-Repository-Administrators project.

Please include the following information:

The desired callsign (following the naming conventions), eg: rECNO
The desired full name, eg: extension-CentralNotice
If needed, the url to another git repo that you would like the new repository to be populated with initially

Did you read the wiki page I linked to?

No, sorry i did not, i was still referring to the old wiki method to request a repo on wiki itself.
Looks all good, nevermind.

At this point I would remove the Gerrit tag and focus on a good solution for Diffusion.

Maybe wait with deleting the Gerrit tag until Gerrit is actually shutdown and the server decom'ed.

This is basically already done with this form. But needs doc updating on There's another task where I mentioned this but can't find it.

Paladox changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Jul 1 2017, 11:47 PM
Paladox subscribed.

This is not stalled anymore as users have begun requesting repos through the form @demon created :).

Only needs a doc update which anyone can do now.

hashar subscribed.

The Phabricator demon referred to above has since been disabled.

In the recent task T25914, we have decided to stick to after discussions on