Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin has been released, and we should start upgrading all servers. This is a master/tracking ticket.
- Reference
- rt2881
Event Timeline
Servers sockpuppet and stafford have been upgraded.
Mark Bergsma <mark at wikimedia>
Lead Operations Architect
Wikimedia Foundation
Filed in Bugzilla here: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36623.
The hope is that this upgrade will fix some PDF issues on the scalers due to
newer version of Ghostscript (see bug 36580)
manutius has been upgraded to Precise.
Mark Bergsma <mark at wikimedia>
Lead Operations Architect
Wikimedia Foundation
All LVS servers have been upgraded.
cp1041 was done as well.
Mark Bergsma <mark at wikimedia>
Lead Operations Architect
Wikimedia Foundation
Note that when all these go, deployment-lucid on deployment-prep can also go :) It currently is used by @apergos to test salt upgrades.
This is now unblocked because we switched mailman over to fermium. Just want to keep sodium up for a couple more days, just in case.