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Gerrit replication to Github stalled
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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UltrasonicNXT raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
UltrasonicNXT updated the task description. (Show Details)
UltrasonicNXT subscribed.
Legoktm renamed this task from Merged commit not mirrored to Github to Gerrit replication to Github stalled.Jan 20 2015, 9:35 PM
Legoktm updated the task description. (Show Details)

The heck?

[2015-01-20 21:39:51,100] ERROR com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.replication.ReplicationQueue : Cannot replicate to
org.eclipse.jgit.errors.TransportException: push not permitted

Why can't wmfgerrit push to github? Repeat x1000 for like every repo we have on Github.

demon triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.

Is it possible to get an update on the status of this issue?

I don't know what broke. I blame Github's side, we changed nothing on Gerrit.

Is any effort being made to track or report this issue at GitHub? This not working hampers my development workflow, as I pull all of my repos from GitHub instead of from Gerrit, because it's (usually) much more reliable and faster.

Do manual pushes with the wmfgerrit account work? I.e.

git clone
cd core
git remote add github
git push github origin/master:master

the normal git client might report a more detailed error.

A few more things:

Last, but not least: is this actively being worked on? It has been broken for over a week now, without any visible progress to a solution, even though this issue breaks many people's workflows.

Yup, that's using a different script and account.


@Krinkle enabled third-party application access restrictions for the Wikimedia organization says "Enabling third-party application restrictions will revoke organization access for all previously authorized applications and SSH keys. For more information, see "About third-party application restrictions."" says "Enabling third-party application restrictions will revoke organization access for all previously authorized applications and SSH keys. For more information, see "About third-party application restrictions.""

I disabled that and wmfgerrit is able to push now:

I enabled this on purpose, knowing that any use of third-party applications would be automatically flagged. And Wikimedia GitHub admins can allow them from the dashboard without much friction or formal requests.

There was no flag or request in there of any kind. And besides, what third-party application workflow is Gerrit using? It has its own account (wmfgerrit) at GitHub, why would it delegating via OAuth to a separate third-party application that is not Gerrit?

Looks like either it's incorrectly triggering this restriction, or GitHub isn't exposing it. says:

  • SSH keys created before February 2014 immediately lose access to the organization's resources (this includes user and deploy keys).
  • SSH keys created by applications during or after February 2014 immediately lose access to the organization's resources.

I'm guessing that's what it ran into?

I know this has been marked as resolved, but it seems that the github mirror hasn't been updated still for phabricator-extensions-Sprint as it doesn't have this change for example -

After +2'ing , the repository was synced, so I presume syncs are triggered by merging a patch.

I'll kick off replication of everything in that case.

Started (see P242). Should take an hour or so to all catch up.

An hour? More like done except a couple of busted repos which is unrelated to this.

Many thanks for that, I can see that it has been updated indeed.

OAuth got enabled again via {T234991} which again broke replication T240322: Gerrit replication to GitHub is broken :]

Krinkle added a subscriber: hashar.

OAuth got enabled again via T234991 …

"OAuth restrictions" were enabled, which, if I understand correctly, effectively disables "OAuth" as used by Gerrit. Is that right?

Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.

OAuth got enabled again via T234991 …

"OAuth restrictions" were enabled, which, if I understand correctly, effectively disables "OAuth" as used by Gerrit. Is that right?

Please open a new task. This one has been resolved since 2015.