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@gerritbot not active anymore in Phabricator since Gerrit 2.12 upgrade
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It looks like since the 2.12 upgrade, @gerritbot does not add Patch-For-Review and a comment including a link to the patch URL anymore. See

Examples: or (the patches do include Bug: T9876543 in the commit message).

Event Timeline

Aklapper triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Jul 25 2016, 7:15 AM
Aklapper created this task.
Aklapper added a subscriber: demon.

(I just saw the email where @demon said that he's going to look at this after some sleep.)

Added gerritbot and phabricator projects since the problem affects gerritbot but requires us to do something on phabricator end.

Paladox edited projects, added GerritBot; removed Gerrit.

It seems there is a bug in phabricator.

It wont let me have both gerritbot and gerrit project.


It seems there is a bug in phabricator.
It wont let me have both gerritbot and gerrit project.

That is intentional - Gerritbot is a subproject of Gerrit.


Oh sorry, I didn't know that.

The token is already set, in the secret file.

Maybe it could be because we are on a new host that we forgot to move ~/.arcrc with it.

@demon: Just for the record :P I assume it was the missing .arcrc file for the user, yes? :)

@Florian nope it was that a config in the all-project had to be set.

<ostriches> qchris: I turned the its plugin to true in All-Projects.

Nope! The phabricator-its plugin doesn't use .arcrc. Gerrit required it be set to "enabled" in the All-Projects repository. This is counter-intuitive! If you install a plugin, wouldn't you want it installed?! Anyway, one second fix once I was pointed in the right direction. Thanks @QChris :)

Ah, great, good to know :) Thanks for the prompt answer :P