Pages translations
Suggested here. @Pginer-WMF, it may interest you to work on namespaces filtering.
On a Multilingual wiki users can only filter Translations: namespace and sub-filter the translations by language. This way it is possible all recent translations in ont specific language to see what's new.
Can be interesting as well on Wikidata/Wikibase to only see the description fields changes that are only in the languages you speak.
Wikidata elements
An other aspect to consider is Wikidata, where edits can be multilingual as well. It is not interesting at all for a user only speaking French and English to have in the results list edits in Arabic or Chinese languages (feedback, a new one).
This is an important point to make filters on Wikidata efficient.
Proposed solution
Our model for advanced filters (T167384) allows to be extended. We can do the following:
- Provide a "Languages" option in the advanced filters menu. I didn't set a prefix for it since there was not an obvious choice, but we can leave it without a prefix or add a multi character one such as "lang:".
- Show a language selection panel where the user common languages are shown in a section on top to facilitate selection (those languages are determined by ULS). Selecting more than one language, results in the union of the results (i.e., contributions in both Japanese and Korean will be show if those languages are selected).
Option in the advanced filters menu | Specific panel to select language | Language filter added |