Reproduction steps:
- Open a blank page for source editing, with your surface width being 1663 pixels - this is what I encountered it on using Ubuntu 16.04 Unity on a 1920x1080 screen and the Vector skin, I suspect this problem may be likely to show up relative to surface width? I could be wrong about this
- Copy+paste this in (via a text editor), or type some other string of characters of the same length:
- a a
- Type 3 spaces
- Type another character - I used 'a'
What I would expect to happen:
My cursor should still be at the end and crazyness should not occur
The cursor is before the last character I typed:
That's the first thing I notice that goes wrong, but really if you keep typing stuff you see it's really just where the madness begins. I've managed to do things like get characters stuck after the end of the document where you can no longer remove them, overwrite one character and it changes a different one, etc.
The visual editor appears to handle this okay, or at least I've not seen it break during use yet.