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Create a prototype to test an "Article Queue" app navigation concept
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May 22 2018, 11:24 PM
Referenced Files
F26524677: Screenshot_20181011-103729.jpg
Oct 11 2018, 2:39 PM
F25259350: image.png
Aug 23 2018, 11:09 AM
F25021823: image.png
Aug 16 2018, 9:56 PM
F25027016: image.png
Aug 16 2018, 9:56 PM
F25021830: image.png
Aug 16 2018, 9:56 PM
F25027065: image.png
Aug 16 2018, 9:56 PM
F25021487: image.png
Aug 16 2018, 9:56 PM
F18743827: AQ 04 Article One open.png
Jun 4 2018, 2:02 PM


APK for testing

Last update: August 23, 2018 12:49 PT


Build a prototype for the "Article queue" concept update to the the app and article navigation.

How does the "Article queue" concept differ from the current app?

This concept maintains the same navigational structure as the existing app but provides a prominent ‘landmark’ element to enable quickly returning to reading tab “queue”.

Navigation structure:

image.png (220×1 px, 29 KB)

Proposed design

Invision prototype:


NOTE: See Zeplin project for redlined mocks, tagged with Floating Article Queue
App navigation (key changes from existing app)
Feed with floating article queue:
AQ 15 Feed w queue - varB.png (640×360 px, 136 KB)
Feed scrolled down:
image.png (640×360 px, 183 KB)
Feed scrolled back up:
image.png (640×360 px, 179 KB)
Floating article queue over Nearby
AQ 17 Nearby Copy.png (1×720 px, 390 KB)
Article view (key changes from existing app)

Besides the transition to the article queue element, make the following improvements the current tab interactions and behavior to enable easier switching between articles within the ‘queue’.

  • T197814 Update the article view's top and bottom toolbar elements:
    • Replace the "x" close icon with a bespoke "<W" icon on the top left which upon tapping minimizes the tab stack into the floating article queue element, and returns the user to the Explore Feed.
  • Update the overflow actions to match mocks
  • Bottom article toolbar updated so that all actions except ToC are aligned left with 24dp between each icon
  • Move Font and theme changer from overflow actions to bottom article toolbar
  • On scrolling down, app bar and and bottom article action bar animate off the screen
  • Update and amend article tabs design:
    • Simplify the tab structure from 3 separate elements per tab to a single layer per tab [T176014]
    • Active tab body should scroll with tab headers [T112980] - this may be fixed by the above change
    • Update the toolbar icons and overflow options in the "exploded tabs" view
    • Ensure tabs are dismissable by swiping when in exploded tab view [T103955]
    • Allow users to move between tabs when swiping left and right in the top toolbar area (similar to mobile browsers like Chrome) - see request on;TicketID=10730591
      • Show actual number of tabs open using an updated tab icon as background [T150462]
    • When swiping down in the top toolbar area, expose all tabs (similar to mobile browsers like Chrome) [T113369]
    • Add "Undo close tab" toast [T158082]
Article view
AQ 04 Article One open.png (1×720 px, 574 KB)
Article view overflow
AQ 04 Article One open.png (1×720 px, 375 KB)
Article scrolled:
image.png (640×360 px, 136 KB)
Exploded tabs view
AQ 11 Exploded tabs view.png (1×720 px, 200 KB)
Exploded tabs overflow menu
AQ 12 Exploded tabs overflow.png (640×360 px, 84 KB)

Related Objects

Event Timeline

RHo updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii renamed this task from Create a prototype to test an "Article Queue" app navigation concept to chcaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:08 AM
Vvjjkkii raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
Sharvaniharan renamed this task from chcaaaaaaa to Create a prototype to test an "Article Queue" app navigation concept.Jul 1 2018, 5:25 AM
Sharvaniharan lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
Sharvaniharan updated the task description. (Show Details)

Hi, @ABorbaWMF

I uploaded the APK of prototype one, and you can find it on the top of the ticket description. Please let me know if you have trouble downloading or installing it.

Change 451209 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cooltey; owner: Cooltey):
[apps/android/wikipedia@prototype_floating_queue] Update toolbar icons and overflow options in exploded tabs view

Hi @RHo

What's the color set of the Exploded tabs view in Dark/Black mode?

Hi @RHo

What's the color set of the Exploded tabs view in Dark/Black mode?

hi @cooltey - please use the existing theme Base color for Dark and Black mode:

Hi, @RHo
The UI tweak has been completed, please download and install the update APK and let me know if you see anything unexpected.

The APK has been updated, please wait at least 30 minutes and download it again through the link above.

hi @cooltey - this is almost perfect but there are still a few minor visual discrepancies between the Actual vs Expected:

Actual (Light)
image.png (1×1 px, 392 KB)
AQ 11 Exploded tabs view.png (1×720 px, 200 KB)

a. The group of 'exploded' tabs appears further down the screen than expected
b. It's expected that there should be a drop-shadow around the tab set
c. It's expected that the article content (inside the tab window) should remain the "Paper" color - at the moment the article is showing as the same color as the tab title bar.
d. It's expected that there is an inner 2dp border the same color as the tab title bar background for the article content in the tab window
e. It's expected that there is drop-shadow under the tab title bar

Actual (Dark)
image.png (1×1 px, 488 KB)
image.png (640×360 px, 82 KB)
Actual (Black)
image.png (1×1 px, 451 KB)
image.png (640×360 px, 76 KB)
Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Deadline" to "Task". · View Herald TranscriptAug 20 2018, 9:20 PM

Hi, @RHo

The tweak patch is partially done now, please download the latest version of the prototype one APK.

a. The group of 'exploded' tabs appears further down the screen than expected

^ Not done. Now we are using a "hack" way to animate the tab list view and the article content view to move to their position.

b. It's expected that there should be a drop-shadow around the tab set

^ Not done. The tab list view and the article content view are not in the same container, which is more complicate to add the drop-shadow around them.

c. It's expected that the article content (inside the tab window) should remain the "Paper" color - at the moment the article is showing as the same color as the tab title bar.

^ Done.

d. It's expected that there is an inner 2dp border the same color as the tab title bar background for the article content in the tab window

^ Not done. The same reason that the tab list view and the article content view are not in the same container.

e. It's expected that there is drop-shadow under the tab title bar

^ Done.

hi @cooltey - can you clarify what it means for some of the items that are not done? It's just that if it means "won't be done" due to constraints mentioned then the piecemeal changes don't really work. For example, I would not want part (e) drop-shadow under the tab title bar if part (d) and (b) is not possible, since the drop-shadow just makes it more obvious that the tab bar is a separate object to the tab content area.

Hi @RHo

Sorry about that.

The (a), (b), (d) won't be done due to constraints mentioned. If so, then should I remove the (e) drop-shadow and keep (c)?

Hi @RHo

Sorry about that.

The (a), (b), (d) won't be done due to constraints mentioned. If so, then should I remove the (e) drop-shadow and keep (c)?

Hi @cooltey - yes, please remove (e) and keep (c) for now. And I would suggest creating a separate ticket or otherwise tracking on an existing ticket related to tabs that the remaining visual updates still need to be fixed at a later date. Thanks!

Hi @cooltey - yes, please remove (e) and keep (c) for now. And I would suggest creating a separate ticket or otherwise tracking on an existing ticket related to tabs that the remaining visual updates still need to be fixed at a later date. Thanks!

Thanks, @RHo. Please download the latest version the the prototype one APK to see the updates.

hi @cooltey - I just tried the latest version of prototype 1 and neither update is showing (shadow is still shown under tabs, no floating queue on a single reading list)

image.png (54×1 px, 14 KB)

Hi, @RHo
Please try to download the APK again, I've fixed the bug and uploaded it to the server.

You can also check the version of the APK to ensure it is the latest one: 2.7.237-alpha-2018-08-23

Thanks @cooltey - just checked the APK and looks great!

Change 451209 abandoned by Cooltey:
Update toolbar icons and overflow options in exploded tabs view

Move to master branch

Screenshot_20181011-103729.jpg (2×1 px, 403 KB)

Things are looking and working well for me but I noticed that the background color is the same color as the tab color and not the 'paper' color.
@cooltey would it be possible to update this?

Thanks for the review, @cmadeo!
Will go to update it to match the design in T202569

Change 466807 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cooltey; owner: Cooltey):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Tweak: update colors and icons to match the design

Change 466807 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Tweak: update colors and icons to match the design