Thanks to T64702: Extension:Translate's languages box should look like interwiki language links the Translate extension can now display language links in the sidebar.
The $wgPageTranslationLanguageList configuration variable comes with four options:
- tag-only: Only display languages with the <languages /> tag.
- sidebar-only: Display languages as interlanguage links only and ignore the tag even if present on the page.
- sidebar-fallback: Display languages as interlanguage links if no tag is on the page.
- sidebar-always: Display languages as interlanguage links and also in tag if it is present on the page.
The extension default option is currently tag-only, to preserve current behavior. Let's use this task to discuss whether we want to use one of the other options on Wikimedia sites, and when/how to do it if so.
- is good for testing this on specific pages
- can support pages with both interlanguage links and page translation links
- Currently unavailable due to T204914: Improve the way Translate extension injects language links to the interlanguage links section
- can be used if we want to consistently have the language links in the sidebar
- will mix interlanguage and page translation links together, and compact language links feature will be confused by duplicate language codes
- What happens to pages with regular interlanguage links
- We think the links will show up mixed together, compact language links feature is likely to not work well with "duplicate" language codes
- What happens to the admin actions
- They will stay in their current place at the top of the page
- What happens on mobile views
- There should be no difference (pending confirmation via testing)
- How was this designed/come up with
- commit message has some information. It was implemented as an experiment to address a frequently asked feature. There is/was also a competing unreviewed patch to address "the issue" in other way.