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[EPIC] POST V2.7.33X-R-Rosgulla Initial Watchlist Release Clean Up
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Following the initial release of Watchlist in production on the Android app, the Android team will have a two week cycle of feedback from:

  • Android PM
  • Android Designer
  • WMF Design Team
  • Product Leadership
  • Android Users

The feedback will be captured as tasks associated with this epic. The team will triage the tasks and determine which tasks to complete this quarter and will then disassociate any tasks that are not going to be completed this quarter.

The Epic from the original release can be found at T264010

Event Timeline

Hey @JTannerWMF - it might be worth considering T272172 as a subtask for this [EPIC] as well.

LGoto triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 4 2021, 5:44 PM
LGoto added a project: Epic.
JTannerWMF claimed this task.