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Account creation: GLAM event landing page
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Just as we did in T298057: Account creation: JOSA landing page, we need to make a dedicated "CreateAccount" page for the GLAM events in Latin America. There are multiple events, but all the events will share a page that contains the chapters' logos.

They'll skip the welcome survey and bring all users straight to their homepages, without any control group. They should be in imagerecommendation variant.

They may also have certain topics available just to them. See T301029: Account creation: GLAM event topic availability.

The URL for signing up:

Event Timeline

@GFontenelle_WMF -- on this task, we want to specify the various landing pages you'll need for the GLAM events. I'm imagining that each one might want its own page, with its own logo and text. You can post the desires for the landing pages in comments here (text and graphics). Please let me know in Slack if you need help!

cc @Wittylama @Zapipedia-WMF

@GFontenelle_WMF friendly ping on this, as we will need time to build out the implementation and the first event is in less than four weeks. Ideally the code to implement the landing page(s) would merge at the latest by February 28 so you have a full week to test and review in production. March 7 could be a fallback deadline.

Hey @MMiller_WMF and @kostajh, I've been in contact (and even in a meeting) with the Brand Studio to have a logo/icon for the events, so we could add it to the page and to the posters. However, they haven't agreed to work on this yet. I'm still waiting for an answer. As we don't know whether this is going to happen, I would suggest we go forward without that option for now.

Related to the login page itself, we are considering something similar to this page, composed of:

  1. The name of the event in Spanish "#1pic1article" (bold and big) + the logos from WMF and the chapters
  2. The description of the event:

""¡Te damos la bienvenida al evento #1pic1article!" (bold, bigger)
"Podrás comenzar a sumar conocimientos en la enciclopedia una vez que hayas creado tu cuenta de usuario." (bold, bigger)
"Este es un evento organizado por Wikimedia Argentina, Wikimedia Chile, Wikimedia México y la Fundación Wikimedia para ayudarte a aprender sobre Wikipedia y cómo colocar imágenes en diferentes artículos empleando la función "Agregar una imagen" (Add an image, en inglés)"
"Para comenzar a utilizar esta herramienta, todo lo que debes hacer es completar este formulario y luego elegir un tema de interés."
"Si necesitas ayuda, consulta a los organizadores y organizadoras del evento."

On a related note, we are also going to have three "subpages" on-wiki with the details documented, like the general event's information. As @Wittylama and @MMiller_WMF suggested, this option could be done as subpages of the Add an image page on MediaWiki. These pages will be created by WMAR, WMMX, and WMCL contractors.

@MMiller_WMF and @kostajh, a follow-up note: It would be fine, for us, to deal with just one login page. Is that something that works for the Growth team as well? I'm not sure if different pages are necessary, because we would have basically the same text on them. Or are we having different pages because you want to learn the stats from the participants during the different events?

@MMiller_WMF and @kostajh, a follow-up note: It would be fine, for us, to deal with just one login page. Is that something that works for the Growth team as well? I'm not sure if different pages are necessary, because we would have basically the same text on them. Or are we having different pages because you want to learn the stats from the participants during the different events?

@GFontenelle_WMF yes we will want to use different signup URLs for each event so that we can know which users were associated with which campaign. In practice it means you'll have URLs (not yet finalized) like this:

And the people at the events would use those URLs to signup. We will also provide a way for existing people who already have accounts to associate their user account with the event campaign.

Hi @kostajh, during standup today, we discussed having only a single campaign for all the events to make things simple (same URL, same console snippet for opting in). For the campaign attribution, @MMiller_WMF will use the registration date to determine the event from which the user registered.

Hi @MMiller_WMF, @kostajh, and @mewoph, just to let you know the Brand Studio approved our request for a logo and they will deliver it on February 28th. We can add it to the page once it's ready.

Thanks for confirming @GFontenelle_WMF (cc @FRomeo_WMF) ! I wanted to also confirm a few more things:

  • Is this the expected placement for the provided copy?
  • Should we also have an English version of the page for testing etc?
  • Should the three bullet items below the copy be shown as well (on smaller windows, they may not be visible until the user scrolls)?

Desktop (entire content)

Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 3.16.12 PM.png (1×1 px, 529 KB)

Desktop (viewport)

Screen Shot 2022-02-28 at 1.26.54 PM.png (2×2 px, 1 MB)


Screen Shot 2022-02-28 at 1.19.08 PM.png (1×754 px, 144 KB)

Change 765656 had a related patch set uploaded (by MewOphaswongse; author: MewOphaswongse):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] [WIP] GLAM event: landing page

Hi @mewoph and @GFontenelle_WMF - also wanted to confirm that it is expected and fine that the mobile version of the page would not include the blurb of text but only the title and any short bullet points, as per the version on T284740:

image.png (1×2 px, 609 KB)
image.png (2×720 px, 178 KB)

Thanks for the link @Zapipedia-WMF! A few clarifications (cc-ing @GFontenelle_WMF and @RHo):

  • Could you confirm which of the images should be used on this particular landing page? I see in the deck there's a black and white version for white background but there are also alternate versions.
  • Regarding the typography, we do not currently have support for custom fonts for the landing page. Is this a requirement for the Mar 7 event?
kostajh updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thanks for the link @Zapipedia-WMF! A few clarifications (cc-ing @GFontenelle_WMF and @RHo):

  • Could you confirm which of the images should be used on this particular landing page? I see in the deck there's a black and white version for white background but there are also alternate versions.

In my opinion the main black and white version works best, followed by the first alternate proposal with the green mountain. My preference would be to not using the red colour to represent the article since there is connotation with Red articles as those that don't exist.

  • Regarding the typography, we do not currently have support for custom fonts for the landing page. Is this a requirement for the Mar 7 event?

No it's not. Let's use the default font please.

Change 765656 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] GLAM event: landing page

Change 766860 had a related patch set uploaded (by MewOphaswongse; author: MewOphaswongse):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] GLAM event: update landing page icon

Change 766860 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] GLAM event: update landing page icon

I'm happy with the icon that you selected and the copy is placed where I would expect it to be.

We don't need an English version of the page for testing.

@GFontenelle_WMF didn't provide copy for the bullet items so I don't think they're required. For the mobile version, it would be great if you could include both the title and the second bit of text, "Podrás comenzar a sumar conocimientos en la enciclopedia una vez que hayas creado tu cuenta de usuario."

But let us know if the bullet points are a design requirement. If they are, we would have the Spanish for:

  • Create your user account
  • Choose a topic of interest
  • If you need help, ask an event organizer

If needed, can you help with the translation @Zapipedia-WMF?

Thanks @FRomeo_WMF! To confirm, for the mobile version, we are currently showing the same text as desktop. Should we remove the body copy and just show the two titles (in bold)?

Here's the full content on mobile:

Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 9.24.54 AM.png (2×1 px, 282 KB)

For the bullet points, we have the Spanish copy already so we can use the existing messages if they need to be shown.
@RHo are the bullet points are design requirement from our end? If not, we could hide it for this particular campaign.

Please, take into account that the event name now is "#1Picture1Article", so it is necessary to update it at the headline: "Te damos la bienvenida al evento #1Picture1Article".

Thanks @FRomeo_WMF! To confirm, for the mobile version, we are currently showing the same text as desktop. Should we remove the body copy and just show the two titles (in bold)?
Here's the full content on mobile:

Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 9.24.54 AM.png (2×1 px, 282 KB)

For the bullet points, we have the Spanish copy already so we can use the existing messages if they need to be shown.
@RHo are the bullet points are design requirement from our end? If not, we could hide it for this particular campaign.

Hi @mewoph, the bullet points can be removed as they were in the original campaign but not necessary for this one if it's not desired for the GLAM event folks.
Then I think based on @FRomeo_WMF's comment that it would look like this:

image.png (2×720 px, 139 KB)

Change 767229 had a related patch set uploaded (by MewOphaswongse; author: MewOphaswongse):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] GLAM event: Update landing page content

Thanks @RHo! I've posted a patch to remove the body copy on mobile and the bullets on both.

Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 8.02.00 AM.png (1×786 px, 145 KB)

Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 8.01.49 AM.png (1×2 px, 400 KB)

Hi everyone! Apologies for the lack of answers. I was out on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. @Zapipedia-WMF, thank you for providing the link with the style guide and the designs. @FRomeo_WMF, thanks for answering the questions. Perfect answers!

@mewoph: regarding the last comment, the mobile version still has "#1pic1article", but it should also be "#1Picture1Article", like the desktop version.

I would also ask: is it still possible to change, on both the mobile and desktop version, the part "Agregar una imagen" to "Añadir una imagen"? This second option, I believe, is the name they are now using in Spanish, right, @Zapipedia-WMF and @MMiller_WMF?

Thank you all so much for all the great work!

kostajh changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Mar 2 2022, 1:58 PM
kostajh triaged this task as High priority.

Hi everyone! Apologies for the lack of answers. I was out on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. @Zapipedia-WMF, thank you for providing the link with the style guide and the designs. @FRomeo_WMF, thanks for answering the questions. Perfect answers!

@mewoph: regarding the last comment, the mobile version still has "#1pic1article", but it should also be "#1Picture1Article", like the desktop version.

The latest patch has this.

I would also ask: is it still possible to change, on both the mobile and desktop version, the part "Agregar una imagen" to "Añadir una imagen"? This second option, I believe, is the name they are now using in Spanish, right, @Zapipedia-WMF and @MMiller_WMF?

The latest patch has this also.

Change 767690 had a related patch set uploaded (by Kosta Harlan; author: MewOphaswongse):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@wmf/1.38.0-wmf.24] GLAM event: Update landing page content

Change 767229 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] GLAM event: Update landing page content

Change 767690 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@wmf/1.38.0-wmf.24] GLAM event: Update landing page content

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-03-03T14:37:10Z] <lucaswerkmeister-wmde@deploy1002> Started scap: Backport: [[gerrit:767690|GLAM event: Update landing page content (T301097)]] (full sync because of i18n change)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-03-03T14:46:56Z] <lucaswerkmeister-wmde@deploy1002> Finished scap: Backport: [[gerrit:767690|GLAM event: Update landing page content (T301097)]] (full sync because of i18n change) (duration: 09m 45s)

Etonkovidova subscribed.

Checked on eswiki, e.g.

  • all updates are in place
IMG_0727.PNG (1×640 px, 100 KB)
Screen Shot 2022-03-22 at 4.34.37 PM.png (767×951 px, 175 KB)
  • the sign-in works as expected: a user gets Add image variant (Add image task type is preselected); the GLAM topics are present