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Design for image recommendations main flow and actions
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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May 11 2023, 2:02 PM
Referenced Files
F37393227: Screenshot_20230810_124106.png
Aug 10 2023, 4:48 PM
F37389980: Screenshot_20230810_080411.png
Aug 10 2023, 12:31 PM
F37388703: onboarding-illustration.svg
Aug 10 2023, 9:28 AM
F37388667: Screenshot_20230810-111312.png
Aug 10 2023, 9:28 AM
F37388575: Screenshot_20230810-110724.png
Aug 10 2023, 9:28 AM
F37388529: Add images 20.png
Aug 10 2023, 9:28 AM
F37388527: Add images 09.png
Aug 10 2023, 9:28 AM
F37388523: Screenshot_20230810-105850 copy.png
Aug 10 2023, 9:28 AM



This task is not meant to serve as the final design of the image recommendations features. The designs in this task is intended to demonstrate the flow and actions that will be included in the Android team's implementation of Image Recommendations.

  • @scblr Create a Figma file and link it to this task with screens that show what happens when users interact with actions that align with the requirements below
  • Engineer - review screens and add any questions or possible constraints to consider on the task
  • Engineer- Add subtask to epic for screens that can start being built now based on wireframes
  • Entry point from Suggested Edits Screen (must be below Article Descriptions)
  • Two caption variants (one as an optional screen after a user publishes an image and one as a button users can click on the preview screen to enter caption flow)
  • A way for users to report the feature that sends them to the support email
  • Access to the FAQ page
  • A warning screen that appears when a user has spent less than 5s evaluating a task before hitting publish
  • Onboarding screens or tooltips
  • Ability to read the full article and go back to publish
  • Inability to "skip" only options for Yes, no, not sure
  • Ability to read image metadata
  • Affordance for expanding an image
  • Screen for users running out of tasks
  • Preview the image in the context of the article before publishing (not a requirement for it to be in the editor)
  • Watchlist expiry option
  • Ensure that users with less than 50 edits can not see the task
Designs (Figma)
1) Discovery
Add images 01.png (1×720 px, 515 KB)
2) Home
Add images 02.png (1×720 px, 93 KB)
3) Onboarding
Add images 03.png (1×720 px, 99 KB)
4) Tooltip 1/3
Add images 04.png (1×720 px, 125 KB)
5) Tooltip 2/3
Add images 05.png (1×720 px, 286 KB)
6) Tooltip 3/3
Add images 06.png (1×720 px, 281 KB)
7) Feed
Add images 07.png (1×720 px, 291 KB)
8) Rejection dialog
Add images 08.png (1×720 px, 66 KB)
9) Warning snackbar
Add images 08.png (1×720 px, 288 KB)
10) Overflow menu
Add images 09.png (1×720 px, 301 KB)
11) Sheet collapsed
Add images 10.png (1×720 px, 232 KB)
12) Image details
Add images 12.png (1×720 px, 102 KB)
13) File page
Add images 12.png (1×720 px, 969 KB)
14) Image detail active
Add images 13.png (1×720 px, 139 KB)
15) Image detail filled
Add images 14.png (1×720 px, 120 KB)
16) Preview
Add images 15.png (1×720 px, 478 KB)
17) Edit summary
Add images 16.png (1×720 px, 76 KB)
18) Edit summary active
Add images 17.png (1×720 px, 79 KB)
19) Edit summary loading
Add images 18.png (1×720 px, 77 KB)
20) Next suggestion
Add images 19.png (1×720 px, 323 KB)
21) End of stack
Add images 21.png (1×720 px, 29 KB)

1) Discovery: A tooltip points to the Edits tab. Shown in the next session after the "Did you know everyone can edit Wikipedia?" tooltip.

2) Home:

  • The "Article Images" task is added after "Article descriptions" in "Suggested edits" home
  • A "New" indicator on the first launch that the task’s been newly added

3) Onboarding: A full-screen onboarding slide informs users about the task at hand

4) - 6) Tooltips:

  • Contextual tooltips onboard the user to the task
  • Ideally, the suggestion at the bottom already starts loading so it’s ready to be displayed once users taps "Next" in the first tooltip
  • The first to two tooltips ideally use "Next" to show the next tooltips and the last one should use "Got it" as a call to action
  • A number indicator shows how many tooltips are coming at the bottom right (can be hardcoded)

7) Feed

  • Design is similar to what’s been implemented for the previous "Train image algorithm" task, but uses the updated components
  • Image can directly be zoomed (Instagram style)
  • Tapping the card takes users to the file page (shown in 12)
  • Filename, file description, and suggestion reason should all be *truncated* after two lines to not take up too much space
  • "No" triggers a dialog with the same options as in the current Growth implementation (see screen 8)

8) Rejection dialog: Displayed when users tap "No"

9) Warning snackbar: A warning snackbar appears if users spend less than 5s evaluating a task before hitting publish

10) More menu:

  • "Tutorial" triggers take users back to screen 3
  • "Learn more" takes users to the Suggested edits FAQ page (which needs to be updated)
  • The tooltips are triggered (4-6) within the context of the current suggestion, to make it easier for the user to understand what to do

11) Sheet collapsed: Collapsed state when the bottom sheet is pulled down (exact design can be evaluated during implementation)

12) Image details:

  • This view is used to add an image via Wikitext editor. Make sure to also update the view within Wikitext editing
  • It’s using new components so it looks more consistent
  • Tapping the file information card at the top leads to the file page (screen 13)
  • It is possible to tap "Continue" without providing an image caption and alt text (secondary call to action)

13) File page: This is the existing file page. No changes are needed currently.

14) - 15) Image details active + filled:

Once both fields are filled, the "Continue" button at the top turns into a primary call to action

16) Preview screen: Should look more or less like this. Depends on what’s possible from the engineering side.

17) - 18) Edit summary:

  • Is also optional (similar to image details), but we don’t encourage empty summaries by using a secondary call to action in the empty state.
  • This screen is also used already within Wikitext editing

19) Loading state: Uses the top progress indicator

20) Next suggestion:

  • Shown after the previous edit is published
  • Snackbar confirms that the edit is published
  • View takes users to the Diff page
  • Snackbar is shown above Yes, No, Not sure buttons

21) End of stack:

  • Copy: Sorry, there are no more suggested images available at this time. Please explore other Suggested edits or return later.
  • What happens when tapping the card in "Add image details"? [Bottom sheet vs. detail page] (RS)
  • New indicator for the task (RS)
  • Review Commons File Page (RS)
  • "Not sure" dialog (RS)
  • Create copy spreadsheet T340743 (JT, RS)
  • Info to provide a caption in the context of the article [per RH’s input] (RS)
  • Update FAQ page (JT, AR, RS)
  • What is the article experience? (RS)
  • What do we do with the structured image caption prompt in the article? (RS)

Support email Copy:

Issue Report- Image Recommendations Feature

I’ve encountered a problem with the Image Recommendations Feature:

  • [Describe specific problem]

The behavior I would like to see is:

  • [Describe proposed solution]

[Screenshots or Links]

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF triaged this task as Medium priority.May 11 2023, 3:00 PM
scblr renamed this task from Create wireframes that outline image recommendations flow and actions from Suggested Edits screen to Design for image recommendations main flow and actions.Jun 19 2023, 10:45 AM
scblr updated the task description. (Show Details)

APK for preliminary design review:

(caution: it actually works, i.e. it makes an edit if you complete the image recommendation workflow.)

Hey @JTannerWMF@Dbrant and I were just wondering about this product requirement:

A way for users to report the feature that sends them to the support email

Does this dialog cover that requirement or should we consider a separate UI element?

Add images 08.png (1×720 px, 66 KB)

Thanks for clarifying!

scblr updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Dbrant – what can I say? It’s close to perfection! Mostly minor things to fix:

1) Update label to Description for visually impaired readers per translation sheet

Screenshot_20230809-120829.png (2×1 px, 230 KB)

2) Make the entire item tappable (not just the right side), as it’s the case within Android’s system or the app’s settings

Screenshot_20230809-120829.png (2×1 px, 230 KB)

3) We need to update the Suggested edits FAQ page (FYI @JTannerWMF @ARamadan-WMF)

Screenshot_20230809-121046.png (2×1 px, 199 KB)

4) Change label to Continue

Screenshot_20230809-120542.png (2×1 px, 228 KB)


  • Change labels to Preview and Continue
  • Use h2 font style for Preview

Screenshot_20230809-121623.png (2×1 px, 1 MB)

6) Use h2 font style for Summarize edit

Screenshot_20230809-121743 copy 2.png (2×1 px, 191 KB)


Screenshot_20230809-121743 copy 3.png (2×1 px, 127 KB)
Add images 18.png (1×720 px, 79 KB)

a) Update the style of these chips to specs in the design on Figma

font-color: primary
background-color: background
border-color: border
border-thickness: 1dp

b) Also move the chips closer to the input field (the space between chips and input should be 8dp)

8) Change the contents of this chip to Added image and caption and move it before Added image

Screenshot_20230809-121743 copy 3.png (2×1 px, 197 KB)

9) Make sure this follows the specs in the designs on Figma

  • Font size of "This is a minor edit" and "Watch this page" should be p
  • External link icon should be left aligned with the other icons (and use secondary color)
  • Learn more about edit summaries should use primary color
Screenshot_20230809-121743.png (2×1 px, 177 KB)
Add images 18.png (1×720 px, 79 KB)

10) Not sure if it’s an issue since I have multiple Wikipedia app versions installed on my phone (APK, Beta, Production): What happens currently is that when I tap the link in the APK version, it takes me to the production version and opens it there in a web view.


APK >>>>

1) Update label to Description for visually impaired readers per translation sheet


2) Make the entire item tappable (not just the right side), as it’s the case within Android’s system or the app’s settings


4) Change label to Continue




6) Use h2 font style for Summarize edit



a) Update the style of these chips to specs in the design on Figma


b) Also move the chips closer to the input field (the space between chips and input should be 8dp)


8) Change the contents of this chip to Added image and caption and move it before Added image


9) Make sure this follows the specs in the designs on Figma


@Dbrant SOLID work! 😱 🤖 👍


Not sure if it’s an issue since I have multiple Wikipedia app versions installed on my phone (APK, Beta, Production): What happens currently is that when I tap the link in the APK version, it takes me to the production version and opens it there in a web view.


I recorded a video of this for clarification:

Can you verify that the links below the input are these:

.. and that they take users to an in-app-web view? Thanks!

2) Can we show this tooltip above the image so it does not cover it?

Screenshot_20230810-102606.png (2×1 px, 265 KB)
Add images 05.png (1×720 px, 286 KB)

3) Enable copy/pasting of this text to make image caption adding easier.

Screenshot_20230810-105427.png (2×1 px, 395 KB)

4) Make sure text fields strip the formatting when copy-pasting:

Screenshot_20230810-105622.png (2×1 px, 204 KB)

5) Make sure the snackbars are shown above the buttons

Screenshot_20230810-105233 copy.png (2×1 px, 695 KB)
Screenshot_20230810-105850 copy.png (2×1 px, 787 KB)
Add images 09.png (1×720 px, 288 KB)
Add images 20.png (1×720 px, 323 KB)

6) Make sure all snackbars use the following design specs (see Figma):

border-radius: 8dp
background-color: border
text-style: h3-button
text-color: primary
link-style: h3-button
link-color: progressive

7) Overflow menu uses wrong color definitions (there are issues in the other themes):

Screenshot_20230810-110724.png (2×1 px, 349 KB)

text: primary
icons: secondary
background: paper

8) Since the onboarding illustration uses colors from our existing palette, it should adapt to the other themes (CC @Sharvaniharan)

Screenshot_20230810-111312.png (2×1 px, 180 KB)

Here’s the SVG:

The linear-gradient (dark blue/blue) behind the planet (Saturn) in the square uses primary and progressive colors.

APK >>>>>>>>>

Can you verify that the links below the input are these:

.. and that they take users to an in-app-web view? Thanks!

👍 This should be working now, but these URLs are specific to English wikipedia. What about caption and alt-text guidance for other language wikis?

2) Can we show this tooltip above the image so it does not cover it?


3) Enable copy/pasting of this text to make image caption adding easier.


4) Make sure text fields strip the formatting when copy-pasting:

?? How did you accomplish this? It should not be possible.

5) Make sure the snackbars are shown above the buttons


6) Make sure all snackbars use the following design specs (see Figma):

⚠ This is the current appearance of all snackbars in the app. Let's fix it in a separate task. T343968

7) Overflow menu uses wrong color definitions (there are issues in the other themes):

⚠ This is the current appearance of all (non-custom) overflow menus in the app. Let's fix it in a separate task. T343969

8) Since the onboarding illustration uses colors from our existing palette, it should adapt to the other themes (CC @Sharvaniharan)
The linear-gradient (dark blue/blue) behind the planet (Saturn) in the square uses primary and progressive colors.

👍 Here's the best I could come up with:

Screenshot_20230810_080411.png (2×1 px, 182 KB)

In dark mode, the primary color is white, so the gradient becomes from blue to white. Is that correct?

Agree with most of the things you mentioned @Dbrant. And here some answers:

👍 This should be working now, but these URLs are specific to English wikipedia. What about caption and alt-text guidance for other language wikis?

Good question! Is there a way to lead them to their corresponding language (if the page exists) and else, default to EN?

?? How did you accomplish this? It should not be possible.

I copy pasted from the full article (got there from by tapping "Read more" in the main view, then copy pasted)

8) Since the onboarding illustration uses colors from our existing palette, it should adapt to the other themes (CC @Sharvaniharan)
The linear-gradient (dark blue/blue) behind the planet (Saturn) in the square uses primary and progressive colors.

👍 Here's the best I could come up with:

Screenshot_20230810_080411.png (2×1 px, 182 KB)

In dark mode, the primary color is white, so the gradient becomes from blue to white. Is that correct?

Let’s try it according to our async Slack discussion about this. If not feasible, I’ll create two assets. One for light mode one for dark.

APK >>>>>>>>>

Good question! Is there a way to lead them to their corresponding language (if the page exists) and else, default to EN?

Afraid not -- these will need to be individual URLs for each language. (And different language wikis might have different guidance for caption styles and alt text.)

?? How did you accomplish this? It should not be possible.

I copy pasted from the full article (got there from by tapping "Read more" in the main view, then copy pasted)

Huh, I can't reproduce this on my devices. It may be a device-specific or OS-specific issue. Can you remind me of your device model and Android version?

8) Since the onboarding illustration uses colors from our existing palette, it should adapt to the other themes (CC @Sharvaniharan)

Let’s try it according to our async Slack discussion about this. If not feasible, I’ll create two assets. One for light mode one for dark.

Here we go:

Screenshot_20230810_124106.png (2×1 px, 183 KB)

This comment was removed by scblr.

Great job on the illustration @Dbrant 👏

1) Image caption + Alt text guidelines


👍 This should be working now, but these URLs are specific to English wikipedia. What about caption and alt-text guidance for other language wikis?

Good question! Is there a way to lead them to their corresponding language (if the page exists) and else, default to EN?

Afraid not -- these will need to be individual URLs for each language. (And different language wikis might have different guidance for caption styles and alt text.)

Hmm, ok @Dbrant. I’m wondering if we should use a more general resource (that exists in multiple languages) for both links below the inputs, like this:


2) Suggested edits FAQ page (re-added to not forget)

We need to update the Suggested edits FAQ page (FYI @JTannerWMF @ARamadan-WMF)

Screenshot_20230809-121046.png (2×1 px, 199 KB)

@Dbrant, after updating the links (#1 in T336502#9092581), this is good to go from my end – please move it to the Code review column.

I've added the support email copy

Seddon added a subscriber: Dbrant.