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Remind users who have entered an email address, but haven't confirmed it
Open, MediumPublic


Bug T58028: Show Echo web notification (asking users to consider providing an email) to users who don't have an e-mail address associated with their account covers the case where they have no email at all. This is to show them a reminder (in the form of a web notification) at a particular point in time when they still haven't confirmed their email.

(From merged duplicate:)
It'd be really useful if we had an Echo notification to change/update/validate their email address if it's in a non useable state.

Not sure the best way of triggering this (maintenance script?), but it'd be useful for wikitech as labs users to have correct and useable email addresses for things like the tool labs surveys

See Also:
T58028: Show Echo web notification (asking users to consider providing an email) to users who don't have an e-mail address associated with their account
T64655: [[special:emailuser]] link in sidebar should not be hidden if sender is not emailconfirmed



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 2:29 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz56074.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I really think the reminder should come in the same form as the original verification, e.g. via email. Isn't that partly the point, that they are verifying they own the email address? what do we get from them doing more actions on site vs actually verifying the email address?

updated the title to be channel agnostic until we decide which method is best.

The WMF core features team tracks this bug on Mingle card, but people from the community are welcome to contribute here and in Gerrit.

(In reply to comment #2)

I really think the reminder should come in the same form as the original
verification, e.g. via email. Isn't that partly the point, that they are
verifying they own the email address? what do we get from them doing more
actions on site vs actually verifying the email address?

Yes, the point is to verify they own the email address. However, we want to minimize the amount of email we send to unvalidated email addresses. That is why you often see sites with a "Resend the verification" option. We also have that; you can visit Special:ConfirmEmail directly, and it's also linked from your preferences (which explicitly tells you whether your email is confirmed).

If we simply email every non-confirmed email twice, we're doubling the impact on people whose emails are abused when signing up (unless they choose InvalidateEmail, but a lot of people probably won't get what this does).