Most scripts should respond to -help and quit, suggest -help on ImportError (missing dependency), TranslationError (missing l10n) and ParameterError (parameter - action, file, ... - needed)
Scripts that do not respond to -help:
- version
Scripts that do not respond to quit (Ctrl-C or [q]) or respond with traceback:
T171713: Make QuitKeyboardInterrupt errors unified and disable traceback in scripts
Scripts that do not suggest -help on missing required parameter:
- freebasemappingupload
- harvest_template
- replicate_wiki
- transferbot
Scripts that do not suggest -help on missing l10n:
- cfd
- followlive
- checkimages
- misspelling
Scripts that are missing l10n for some sites:
- blockpageschecker
- followlive
- checkimages
- lonelypages
- misspelling
- unusedfiles
Scripts that are throwing a traceback: