Let's track progress on the migration of the WMF Design team to Phabricator. Feel free editing this task description.
- Team member assigned to this task
- Link(s) to the current projects in Mingle, Trello, other
- (optional) Have you scheduled a team meeting with @Qgil to discuss the migration? (2014-12-9)
- Blockers of the migration identified: (list the task numbers between {curly brackets})
- Planned date for the migration/creation of a first real project: yyyy-mm-dd
- Do you plan to have all your projects moved by the end of 2014? Yes/No, and if not, why
See Blocking tasks
- More than half of our team members and ongoing sprints are working in Phabricator now (Begin 2015)
- All our projects have been moved to Phabricator. Mission completion! (February 2015)
Current Sources
[x ] Design tasks (May + Vibha) ---> (team-visible only; both left; hence obsolete like this and handled internally)
- user-experience ("Design backlog") (last activity in 10/2015) ---> Wikimedia-Design
- user-research ("Design Research backlog") (private/WMF-org-visible; actually Research not Design). All cards deleted. ---> Design-Research
- living-style-guide ---> Codex
- data-developer-hub (last activity in 03/2014) ---> #dev.wikimedia.org
- Mediawiki.ui ---> UI-Standardization AND/OR OOUI
- community-design ---> "Board not found. This board may be private."; not listed internally in WMF as a Trello board in 09/2016
- Typography Refresh --->deleted