Vague ticket that needs lots more editing and details! Please hold the flames!
We need a nice git hosting solution for tools. Right now a lot of people use github/bitbucket, and a small minority use gerrit. Some of the reasons:
- Gerrit's UI
- Repo creation is not self serve, and causes a block!
- Most people don't want pre-merge review since it's just themselves writing teh code, and gerrit's 'just push' mode isn't very well advertised
- There's just no advantage to using Gerrit for tools at all (unlike for MW extensions)
This is totally ok - I'm personally fine with people using github / bitbucket / whatever (as long as they are using some form of source control Yuvi is happy). But if we're going to build docker containers off git repos (more details on that forthcoming but let's assume we want to do that) we need a local git repo anyway, and it'll be nice to make that be a hosted setup that people can use too.
Things that a geared-towards-tools git setup would need:
- Be totally self serve. People should be able to create repos without having to go through a request process
- Possible to be mirrored in either direction (from / to Github / BitBucket) so people can still use those if they want while our stuff can just pretend they're all using this setup
- Have a web UI for people to browse code / search
- Direct git access (no going through an external learning curve/tool)
- Allows other people to contribute to other people's code in some way or other (aka a method for people to send easy patches, no enforcing code review)
- No enforced code review
- Does not have its own User system (should be just LDAP at worst)
- Supports *blocking* post-receive hooks (eg. Make a HTTP call / run a command on post receive, and send output of that to the pusher. Same behavior as a literal post receive hook in git)