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Please set up citoid for the Igbo Wikipedia igwiki
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The Igbo Wikipedia currently has no citation templates in the visual editor. As that growing community welcomes and supports people with a wide variety of technical skill, having the citoid automatic template system could be especially helpful to them. They do not have any interface admins. Please help them by importing and configuring the templates.

There is support for enabling citoid on this page.

Event Timeline

ppelberg moved this task from To Triage to Triaged on the VisualEditor board.

@Mvolz: do you have availability to enable Citoid at within the next month (read: by 24-March-2021)?

@Mvolz: do you have availability to enable Citoid at within the next month (read: by 24-March-2021)?

I had a brief look - it looks like they have some fairly basic citation templates, i.e.

-which is definitely good, but these do not have any template data. Usually at the point when I enable citoid for a wiki there is already some template data. I could try to create some template data in English, but it wouldn't be in Igbo- maybe we can enlist some people to help translate, or maybe try to get some people to add template data first? @Whatamidoing-WMF is there any way we can get some igbo speakers to add some template data to these templates first?

Mvolz triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 24 2021, 12:30 PM

@Mvolz: do you have availability to enable Citoid at within the next month (read: by 24-March-2021)?

An admin has helpfully translated some of the messages we need for the tools here:

So I plan to wait until that is deployed before enabling anything, so in 1-2 weeks depending on whether it made this week's branch cut (I can never remember when that is)