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Allow "article-linked" notifications for pages in a user defined list
Open, LowPublic


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Currently the "article-linked" notifications are only sent to the author of the page, but other users may also be interested in knowing about new articles related to a specific page. So, there should be a way for users to create a list of pages for which they will receive notifications when someone adds a link.

This is essentially a specialized form of a watchlist, As has been considered before we should be looking towards a solution that involves allowing users to have an arbitrary number of watchlists (T7875: Group similar pages in watchlist (aka multiple watchlists)) and then link those watchlists to specific tasks such as an echo whitelist and such.

That editable list would allow people to:

  • remove some links (articles they have created to help someone, articles with a lot of trafic, etc.)
  • add some links to watch if a page has some trafic, or to watch to which articles it has been added ([[John Doe (writer, 1963)]] instead of [[John Doe (writer, 1965)]]).
  • ...

See also: The matching request T46787: Allow excluding pages from the page links notifications (<-That's for opt-out. This task is for opt-in)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:16 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz64090.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
EBernhardson updated the task description. (Show Details)
EBernhardson set Security to None.
EBernhardson updated the task description. (Show Details)

it'd already be an improvement if it were made possible to track "article-linked" relating to one's watchlist "as is". A separately definable list of articles to be echoed would be a huge bonus, of course.

New request from a spokesperson for other users.
Have a list that you can edit would help people to choose which pages they want to watch. It can be useful to remove pages you have created and you don't want to have notifications about anymore, or to add pages you want to watch.

Would it be possible to raise priority about that task?

(From T143809: Allow people to watch/unwatch pages for link notification purposes)

At the moment, people can receive a notification for links made to pages they have created only.

Have a way to edit that list would allow people to:

  • remove some links (articles they have created to help someone, articles with a lot of trafic, etc.)
  • add some links to watch if a page has some trafic, or to watch to which articles it has been added ([[John Doe (writer, 1963)]] instead of [[John Doe (writer, 1965)]]).

And possibly more cases.

The most raised example for that list was the raw watchlist [[Special:EditWatchlist/raw]]

Feedback from the FR Wikiconference 2016

This would be very useful in Wikidata as new items in Wikidata usually link to others in their space and this feature allows to get notified about new items that a given user cares about.

and also remove notifications that a user doesn't car about, e.g. I want to know about new links to Q24258909 (broken rail) but I don't care about new links to Q26484625 (lap (of a circuit). The latter are far more common, but I can only choose to get both or neither currently and have no options at all about new links to Q7283877 (Rail Accident Investigation Branch), which I'd like to see, as that item was created by a bot.

and also remove notifications that a user doesn't care about [...]

That's the matching task, T46787: Allow excluding pages from the page links notifications. I've linked it more clearly in the task description now. :)

Tgr subscribed.

T3492: Multiple watchlists is the task about having multiple watchlists. Creating a new sort-of-watchlist with very limited scope seems to me like a bad path to start down on.

kostajh subscribed.

I'm moving this to triaged as it's not something in the scope of the Growth team's short-to-medium term plans.

I have found which talks about the same or at least very similar issue as here. Maybe you know already about it, but maybe not?