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Template "lang" badly processed
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Oct 18 2015, 7:33 PM
Referenced Files
F3937650: Снимок31.PNG
Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
F3939481: Снимок35.PNG
Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
F3937571: Снимок10.PNG
Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
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Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
F3937589: Снимок14.PNG
Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
F3938839: Снимок33.PNG
Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
F3937645: Снимок19.PNG
Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
F3937602: Снимок16.PNG
Apr 27 2016, 6:20 PM
"Like" token, awarded by Sunpriat."Love" token, awarded by Iniquity.


I often see that the text in the card stops on the template lang-xx. In ru-wiki "{ {lang-la|Cancer}}" generates a string "лат. Cancer" (лат. as lat. - latin). It looks like in some cases, simply do not read after ".".

For example:

'''Рак''' ({{lang-la|''Cancer''}}) — самое неприметное [[зодиакальное созвездие]], которое можно увидеть лишь в ясную ночь между созвездиями [[Лев (созвездие)|Льва]] и [[Близнецы (созвездие)|Близнецов]]. Самая яркая звезда ([[Бета Рака|β Рака]]) имеет [[видимая звёздная величина|видимую звёздную величину]] 3,53<sup>m</sup>.

r.JPG (408×374 px, 36 KB)

'''Лев''' ({{lang-la|''Leo''}}) — [[зодиакальное созвездие]] северного полушария неба, лежащее между [[Рак (созвездие)|Раком]] и [[Дева (созвездие)|Девой]].

l.JPG (334×355 px, 28 KB)

Event Timeline

Sunpriat raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Sunpriat updated the task description. (Show Details)
Sunpriat added a project: Page-Previews.
Sunpriat subscribed.
Jdlrobson subscribed.

The problem is that parameter "exsentences" don't works correctly when {{lang-xx}} templates are used. I will try to fix it this week.

Change 280096 had a related patch set uploaded (by Putnik):
Fix separation of text into sentences.

I added the patch. Now sentences will only be separated by common space character (« ») or line end character (\n), but not by &nbsp;, &thinsp; or other whitespace characters, which are often used inside a sentence.

Change 280096 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix separation of text into sentences.

TheDJ assigned this task to putnik.

Sorry, but it turned out that in the plain text version non-breaking spaces are replaced by spaces, and so the problem is still remained.
This replacing is done on purpose. I'll see tonight is it possible to remove it or not. If everything is OK, then I'll commit changes.

adding this as a blocker to rolling hovercards out on smaller wiki, because on russian wikipedia the community discussion was overwhelmingly positive, but the only bug folks mentioned was this one:


summary by @SSneg

There are still a problem with the fact that the first sentence ends after the abbreviation with a dot.
But HoverCard requests 5 sentences, so this task is probably no longer blocks T132602 after patch

@putnik Thanks a lot for your contributions! Note that this isn't going to be deployed this week due to the branch freeze because of the dallas switchover, so we can't verify it in production.

Can you add instructions to reproduce in beta cluster?

@dr0ptp4kt @JKatzWMF What would be the status of this bug? Is the previous patch enough to unblock the rollout? (fix the lang-xx template problem?).

I've been reading the task but it's complicated to know the state of the task because of language and no clear reproducible steps in the beta cluster.

I've created for testing it, seems to work fine as experienced here:

Source for the linked test page:

Test test. Test asdf test {{lang-la|''Leo''}} test after lang template test.

Is my test correct, can we resolve this task if so?

@Sunpriat Is that broken? How should it look like?

I'd appreciate clarification please :)

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In this case, it seems because sign":"

'''Аякс (Эант)''' ({{lang-grc|Αἴᾱς}}) — имя двух греческих героев, участвовавших в осаде [[Троя|Трои]]:
* [[Аякс Малый]], или Оилид — сын [[Оилей|Оилея]].
* [[Аякс Великий]], или Теламонид — сын [[Теламон (мифология)|Теламон]]а.

Ллойд, Гарольд | Беккет, Сэмюэл | Франклин, Арета

'''Гарольд Клейтон Ллойд''' ({{lang-en|Harold Clayton Lloyd}}; {{Дата рождения|20|4|1893}} — {{Дата смерти|8|3|1971}}) — американский актёр и кинорежиссёр, известен своими немыми комедиями.

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Бениньи, Роберто

'''Робе́рто Бени́ньи''' ({{lang-it|Roberto Benigni}}, род. {{ДатаРождения|27|10|1952}}, [[Кастильон-Фьорентино]], [[Ареццо (провинция)|Ареццо]], [[Тоскана]]) — [[Италия|итальянский]] [[актёр]], [[режиссёр]], [[сценарист]] и [[продюсер]], лауреат премий «[[Оскар (кинопремия)|Оскар]]» и ''[[BAFTA]]''.

Снимок33.PNG (299×613 px, 103 KB)

Ли, Брюс --> ";"

'''Брюс Ли''' ({{lang-en|Bruce Lee}}); [[Китайские имена|детское имя]] — '''Ли Сяолун''' ({{lang-zh|李小龙}}, {{lang-en|Li Xiao Long}}, {{lang-ru|Маленький Дракон}}), взрослое имя — '''Ли Чжэньфань''' ({{lang-zh|李振藩}}, {{lang-en|Lee Jun Fan}}); [[27 ноября]] [[1940 год|1940]], [[Сан-Франциско]] — [[20 июля]] [[1973 год|1973]], [[Гонконг]]) — популяризатор и реформатор в области китайских боевых искусств, [[гонконг]]ский и [[США|американский]] [[киноактёр]], [[режиссёр]], [[сценарист]], [[продюсер]], постановщик боевых сцен и [[философ]].

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'''Фидий''' ({{lang-el|Φειδίας}}, ок. [[490 до н. э.]] — ок. [[430 до н. э.]]) — [[Древняя Греция|древнегреческий]] [[Скульптура|скульптор]] и [[архитектор]], один из величайших художников периода высокой классики. Друг [[Перикл]]а.

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Цюй Юань

'''Цюй Юань''' ({{Китайский||屈原|Qū Yuán}}, второе имя '''Цюй Пин''' кит. 屈平), ок. 340—278 до н. э. — первый известный лирический поэт в истории Китая [[Период Сражающихся царств|эпохи Воюющих Царств]]. Его образ стал одним из символов [[патриотизм]]а в [[Культура Китая|китайской культуре]].

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Вийон, Франсуа

<small>Также см. [[Фийон, Франсуа|Франсуа Фийон (политик)]]</small>
'''Франсуа́ Вийо́н''' ({{lang-fr|François Villon}}), настоящая фамилия — де Монкорбье́ ({{lang-fr2|de Montcorbier}}), Монкорбье ({{lang-fr2|Montcorbier}}) или де Лож ({{lang-fr2|des Loges}}); родился между [[1 апреля]] [[1431 год|1431]] и [[19 апреля]] [[1432 год|1432]] в [[Париж]]е; год и место смерти неизвестны (после [[1463 год|1463]], но не позднее [[1491 год|1491]]). [[Поэт]] [[Франция|французского]] [[Средние века|Средневековья]]. Первый французский лирик позднего Средневековья<ref>Б.Байер, У. Бирштайн и др. История человечества 2002 ISBN 5-17-012785-5</ref>.

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Уильямс, Уильям Карлос

'''Уильям Карлос Уильямс''' ({{lang-en|William Carlos Williams}}, [[17 сентября]] [[1883]], Резерфорд, [[Нью-Джерси]] – [[4 марта]] [[1963]], там же) – один из крупнейших поэтов США.

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'''Сокра́т''' ({{lang-grc|Σωκράτης}}; 470/[[469 г. до н. э.]], [[Древние Афины|Афины]] — [[399 г. до н. э.]], там же) — древнегреческий [[философ]], учение которого знаменует поворот в философии — от рассмотрения природы и мира к рассмотрению человека. Его деятельность — поворотный момент античной философии. Своим методом анализа понятий ([[майевтика]], [[диалектика]]) и отождествлением положительных качеств человека с его знаниями он направил внимание философов на важное значение человеческой личности. Сократа называют первым философом в собственном смысле этого слова. В лице Сократа философствующее мышление впервые обращается к себе самому, исследуя собственные принципы и приёмы.

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Ролз, Джон

'''Джон Ролз''' ({{lang-en|John Bordley Rawls}}; [[21 февраля]] [[1921]], [[Балтимор]] — [[24 ноября]] [[2002]]) — [[США|американский]] философ, основоположник либерально-государственной концепции внутреннего и международного права, в значительной степени лежащей в основе {{прояснить|современной}} политики [[США]].

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Seems like there are still problems with it.

@putnik do you want to keep working on it or do you want me to ping others to have a look at the bug?

In links TextExtracts-lang-template-bug2 and TextExtracts-lang-template-bug3 seem to be broken, stopping at the dot, and as @Sunpriat mentions there are other issues too that seem very related.

Jhernandez raised the priority of this task from Low to Needs Triage.May 11 2016, 4:12 PM

I'm putting this back in our triage queue to re-check its priority, since this is blocking the rollout to smaller wiki & AB test.

Jhernandez moved this task from 2015-16 Q4 to 2016-17 Q2 on the Web-Team-Backlog board.

We're going to add a spike for finding out proper sentence detection libraries and improving the hovercards implementation.

Duplicate of T59669?

As noted there, a decent solution for this problem is unlikely to be possible in PHP or client-side JS.

Duplicate of T59669?

Yes. I think we should merge this task into it.



Another possible option could be changing the usage of text extracts to limit per char length, and show ellipsis at the end of the hovercard.

That would be a feature change though. Depending on the spike output we'll need to talk about this with product and design.

@Tgr T59669 is definitely related, but that one and this one are really examples of what would be Improve TextExtracts sentence detection or deprecate. Do you think we should create a new task, summarize all the examples and merge these two into that one, or edit one of these to become the generic bug and merge one into the other?

@Tgr T59669 is definitely related, but that one and this one are really examples of what would be Improve TextExtracts sentence detection or deprecate. Do you think we should create a new task, summarize all the examples and merge these two into that one, or edit one of these to become the generic bug and merge one into the other?

I would go with the second option but either way is fine.

Another possible option could be changing the usage of text extracts to limit per char length, and show ellipsis at the end of the hovercard.

@Jhernandez @Nirzar I think that from a user perspective, having an elipsis is very helpful, even if we end on a sentence is essential for letting the user know that there is more to be read on the article. I don't see any problem with doing a character count if we can end on a space...cutting off midword isn't so hot, but T67845 highlights the current issues with that.

As discussed in the spike T135020, we're going to proceed with T135824 shortly to fix this bug by not relying on sentence detection because of the edge cases, like the iOS app already does, but using a char limit instead.

Hopefully that will resolve the bugs and edge cases on this bug report. Going to add it as a blocker for this one.

We believe this should now be resolved thanks to fixing the blocking tasks. This change will be rolled out to all wikis late Thursday, so if you see this problem from Friday 3rd June onwards please do reopen.

I've verified the description usecases on and they seem to work fine as far as I can tell. If there's any other issues please open back or create a new task!

Thanks everybody.