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Hovercards should show for disambiguation pages
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As a reader, it would be useful when hovering over a disambiguation page link to see a list of the articles it could refer to.

Hovercards have been disabled on disambiguation pages (see T66708)

Open questions that led to previous disabling:

  • Should popups for disambiguation pages behave differently? (discussion on T73653)
  • Should any of the text be shown (discussion on T65164)

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ovasileva subscribed.

They show for disambiguation pages currently. Yet, I'm not sure they're necessarily helpful -

Screen Shot 2016-12-19 at 5.19.09 PM.png (298×488 px, 82 KB)
. Might be a good candidate for "no preview available"

@ovasileva - While testing the HTML Page previews I found many disambiguation pages, I think it's higher priority than low. I created a test page on beta cluster:

For example on Barrack Obama article [dev instance fed with production data] I found at Kenwood, South Shore, Wichita, Hydepark , Alice Palmer, National democratic party, Old state capitol, Roseland, Riverdale - and I read only ~10% of the article.

ScreenShot_2017-06-13_00.44.44.png (145×361 px, 19 KB)

Ok, I found that some disambiguations are caused by hack that is fetching data from production servers so probably in real scenario there will be less disambiguation pages but anyway IMHO it's higher priority than low.

@pmiazga - I'm not sure I follow what you mean. Within the cases above, we should not be pulling the disambiguation pages, but the pages directly linked to. For example, current implementation, (generated by [[Wichita, Kansas]] ):

Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 12.53.00 PM.png (451×601 px, 288 KB)

This task refers to disambiguation links strictly, for example (generated by {{other uses|Obama (disambiguation)}} ):

Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 12.54.54 PM.png (267×412 px, 80 KB)

The current behavior displays the page the disambiguation directs to. For example, the disambiguation link for Obama displays the preview for Barack Obama. This card is to change this behavior to a more appropriate behavior - either displaying the generic popup or a list of the disambiguation pages.

@ovasileva I believe what @pmiazga is bringing up is that there are many many many links to disambiguation pages on our pages. Now we are using HTML we are going to be exposing the list element as well which may make it even more confusing (as the first item in the list will now show). I think we could give these pages better treatment.

For example: is a big category...

I do think the priority is wrong here. You may want to speak to @kaldari to get a good understand of the problem with disambiguation links on Wikipedia.

ovasileva raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Jun 15 2017, 10:48 AM

@Jdlrobson - just to confirm, the pages @pmiazga was referring to were showing as disambiguation pages due to his testing them on a the beta cluster. They would not be disambiguation pages in production. Agreed that we're ready for a solution for actual disambiguation pages. The generic preview comes to mind immediately, but there might be better options as well.


  • All links to disambiguation pages should automatically have class="mw-disambig"
  • Therefore it should be possible to special-case these for Page Previews, in some way, if desired.
  • Also: Some wikis have a gadget to change the color of these links. On Enwiki, that is "Display links to disambiguation pages in orange" in - I recommend it!

@ovasileva @Jdlrobson - yes, I was seeing lots of ambiguation pages but it may be related to my hack which was allowing me to test Page Previews on my local instance. Later I'll spend some time testing HTML previews on staging and if the issue still occurs I'll post my findings.